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Learn To Lift The Corners Of The Mouth With Botox At Our New All-Hands-On Course

botox mouth liftFor patients who are tired of always looking sad or even angry, correcting drooping, downturned mouth corners with Botox can change their self-image – and their lives. Droopy mouth corners are often easily corrected with a small dose of Botox administered by a carefully trained medical professional.When you take the new all-hands-on Botox training course from Dentox, you could quickly and easily become such a professional, also correcting frown lines, marionette lines, fine wrinkles, lines around the eyes and so much more. You’ll even learn how to treat excessive sweating, jaw clenching and other medical problems with safe, effective Botox.

Aging Is The Most Common Cause

Drooping at the corners of the mouth is often caused by over-contraction of one or both DAOs – or depressor anguli oris muscles. This paired set of jaw muscles runs beside the mouth corners and is responsible for the sad, perturbed or frowning look that many of your patients will find highly undesirable. All you have to do is frown and you’ll feel these muscles pulling downward. But with Botox, you can reduce this drooping and improve the overall look of the face and the demeanor of the patient.

This drooping of the lip on one or both sides can have many causes. The most common cause of dropping on both sides is aging. As we age, our skin becomes less able to bounce back from the movement of the muscles under it because of the loss of elastin and collagen. Elastin is responsible for tightness of the skin while collagen provides firmness.

As skin becomes less structured with age, its shape is less defined. That results in sagging, and one place this sagging shows up is at the corners of the mouth. Including these reasons, drooping of the corners of the mouth is most commonly caused by these factors:

  • Too much loose skin
  • Pulling down by overactive muscles in the neck as well as the face
  • Loss of volume due to the natural progression of aging
  • Dropping buccal or cheek fat
  • And more.

When combined with dermal fillers or used alone, Botox can release the muscles that amplify the sagging. Restylane and Juvederm are among the dermal fillers taught hands-on in the Dentox course that can be used alongside Botox for the best possible results.

Lifting Mouth Corners With Ease

Depending on how much drooping is present in the patient, Botox alone or in combination with dermal fillers can be exceptionally effective for lifting and shaping at the corners of the mouth. Low-dose injections in the DAO muscles themselves may be all that’s necessary for a dramatic change. But you must be well-trained to handle this procedure. If you get it wrong, you could temporarily impact the ability of the patient to smile, creating an undesirable outcome.

The possibility of creating bad outcomes if you inject Botox incorrectly is why an all-hands-on Botox course is so important. During your seminar with Dr. Howard Katz, you’ll learn hands-on exactly how to inject Botox and dermal fillers in a variety of situations for positive outcomes that leave your patients impressed and ready to come back for more.

For facial aesthetics as well as for certain medical conditions, Botox is one of the most exciting developments of our lifetimes. And there is no trainer more qualified to teach you how to inject Botox correctly than Dr. Katz, one of the pioneers in its usage.

Explore the Dentox website to learn more about all-hands-on live Botox training with Dr. Katz and other options. When you learn Botox and treat your patients with skill and precision, they’ll have nothing to frown about.

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