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A San Jose couple is being investigated for allegedly running a botched Botox business

The couple charged consumers tens of thousands of dollars for non-medical services including Botox injections and lip fillers without a medical license.

A San Jose couple charged consumers tens of thousands of dollars for non-medical services including Botox injections and lip fillers without a medical license.

After a little more than a month had passed since a woman passed away after receiving buttock injections in a Burlingame hotel room, a San Jose couple has been charged with felony offenses for allegedly operating an unlicensed botox business from their home. Without having a valid medical license, the couple allegedly charged customers tens of thousands of dollars for non-medical services such as Botox injections, lip fillers, and other procedures.

A 45-year-old woman with the initials M.C. claims categorically that her home was never used as an illegal medical spa.

“It was possible to consult with my attorney, but no action was taken. The search for my home yielded no results. This is untrue. They turned up zero results,” she said.

According to a Santa Clara County deputy district attorney, customers were tricked into thinking the company was legitimate. She has filed multiple felony charges against M.C. and her 48-year-old partner with the initials J.C. for practicing medicine without a license.

They are anatomically illiterate. They could inject it into a vein, and it would eventually reach the brain or the heart, where it would be fatal.

It all started when a patient became suspicious because she kept getting the runaround when she asked for licensing information. The lack of a license was something the patient discovered on her own.

A dentist later revealed that an unauthorized individual had attempted to purchase Botox with her digital signature. J.C. was the man in question.

She is well aware of the underground market for Botox due to the desire of all women to look their best. Just be cautious.

The Deputy District Attorney has stressed the importance of only hiring those who are properly trained and licensed.

And M.C. maintains that she did not administer Botox injections to female patients, despite what the D.A. claims.

She said, “There are erroneous accusations. I’ve been the target of hostility from a physician.”

The Dentox program educates medical and aesthetic professionals on how to administer Botox with precision and efficiency. Dentox can help you get a first-rate education so that you can better serve your patients and expand your business.

Dr. Howard Katz is widely recognized as a leading expert in the field of injectable education. In addition to teaching his courses in a conventional classroom setting, he also makes them available online and on demand. For online Botox training, visit, and for live training with actual patients, visit

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