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80% of Brits report adverse reactions such as headaches, brain fog, and panic attacks after receiving botched Botox

Pain, dizziness, and brain fog are common negative reactions to injections like Botox.

Pain, dizziness, and brain fog are common negative reactions to injections like Botox.

New evidence suggests that nearly 80% of British citizens who get anti-wrinkle injections will experience some sort of negative reaction.

Side effects from injections like Botox often include discomfort, dizziness, and mental fogginess.

The truth about Britain’s booming Botox market has been exposed in a survey of more than 500 patients, prompting a warning from activists today.

Official statistics indicate that the injections, which can be administered for as little as £100 and do not necessitate special training, are extremely safe. 

According to the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), only 188 cases of adverse reactions to botulinum toxin were reported between 1991 and 2020.

However, the new study, conducted by specialists at University College London, calls into question long-held beliefs about the substance.  

One of the study’s authors, a patient safety advocate, argued that the information from the MHRA was only the beginning.

There are currently no requisite credentials for working in the aesthetics field in the United Kingdom.  

In other words, anyone who completes a training program can administer Botox treatments, though the medication itself still needs to be prescribed by a licensed physician. 

Last year, ministers promised to implement a licensing system for cosmetic procedures like Botox and fillers in order to curb the prevalence of unlicensed practitioners.

Unfortunately, the government was not moving fast enough to implement it. 

Quicker results are what everyone is hoping for.

Since these practitioners are often covert and unlicensed, we have no idea how widespread their services actually are.

Research published in the journal Skin Health and Disease found that out of 511 patients surveyed, 85 reported experiencing anxiety as a result of the injection.

Symptoms such as pain (83), headaches/migraines (75), panic attacks (45), dizziness (33), and brain fog (33) were also frequently reported. 

Seventy-nine percent of patients reported experiencing some sort of adverse effect. 

The volunteers were collected through a short-term survey conducted at the beginning of this year.

Postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS), in which a patient’s heart rate increases suddenly upon standing from a seated or lying down position, was also reported by six individuals.

As many as six British citizens have claimed disability or impairment as a result of having anti-wrinkle surgery.

However, evidence linking Botox to this or any other reported adverse event was lacking. It is possible, for instance, that the cause is some other medical issue.  

But the NHS says that headaches, bruises, and short-term weakness in the face are common side effects.

It also notes that blurred vision is possible, albeit “very rarely.” 

The most well-known brand of botulinum toxin, Botox is administered to temporarily paralyze facial muscles in order to lessen the appearance of wrinkles.

In addition to questions about who gave them their injection, survey respondents were asked where they received their injection.  

Almost one-fifth of respondents said they would let a beautician administer the shot, and at least one participant claimed to have gotten the injection in a supermarket.

Campaigners have expressed concern that there are currently no minimum training requirements for those administering Botox injections, with some providers taking courses lasting less than one week.

Half of the patients polled said they got their jab at an aesthetics clinic, with the other half saying they got it at a spa, their place of employment, or their own homes. 

In addition, the survey results suggest that most botulinum toxin providers are not providing accurate safety information to their patients. 

Ninety-two percent of people who took the jab reported that they had not been told how to report any adverse reactions to the MHRA by their injector. 

Participants in the survey also mentioned experiencing monetary losses as a result of their side effects, such as lost time at work or the cost of potential follow-up treatment. 

The findings imply that the costs associated with Britain’s botched Botox industry are not being reported or taken into account.

It is imperative that the government consider who has access to this medication and how it is being used.

Unfortunately, the survey found that many Britons were being lured into getting Botox injections through illegal advertisements, such as “last minute” or “two for one” deals.  

People responding to those kinds of advertisements have extremely negative effects and complications.

We frequently receive reports of patients entering a room with syringes already prepared; no mention is made of consulting a prescriber, determining whether the patient is suitable, or discussing potential side effects.

It is unlawful to advertise Botox to the general public, just like other prescription-only drugs.

There is a fine and/or a two-year sentence for breaking these rules. 

There were more people at risk than just specific Botox patients.

The industry was operating in the dark because no official reports were being filed, which could explain why some of the reported side effects were occurring. 

It is the responsibility of regulators to identify any patterns that may indicate a link between a harmful batch, product, practitioner, company, technique, or injection.

The results of this survey make it abundantly clear that this is not the case.

Botox injectors should be forced by law to report adverse effects to patients' primary care physicians.

Botox injectors should be forced by law to report adverse effects to patients’ primary care physicians.

Providers of Botox should be required by law to inform patients’ primary care physicians if they experience any unwanted side effects. 

It will soon be illegal for anyone in England to perform certain non-surgical cosmetic procedures without a license, according to a Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson. “We are now starting to take forward work to introduce a licensing scheme for non-surgical cosmetic procedures. During the course of the summer, we will be holding discussions about the extent of the licensing scheme,” the spokesman said. 

Dentox is a training program created to educate medical professionals on how to administer Botox without compromising patient health. Dr. Howard Katz can tell you all about it if you’re curious about Dentox programs.

Botox training is offered both online ( and in-person (, where it is administered to real patients.


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