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A Louisville woman who suffered from migraines for 20 years found relief after receiving Botox injections

Glenda Leary still recalls her very first migraine.

“I was sitting at home on the couch, and I was so nauseous I couldn’t even get up,” Glenda explained.

Katie, her cocker spaniel, even seemed to sense the intensity of the pain and licked at Glenda’s head in an effort to alleviate her pain.

In 2005, Glenda had no choice but to accept her pain.

Glenda remarked, “It’s ten times worse than a regular headache.” Almost any over-the-counter medicine will do the trick when it comes to relieving a headache. Nothing could be worse than this. Not even my worst enemy deserves that. If I had to rate it on a scale from 1 to 10, I’d give it a 13.

Migraine and occipital neuralgia, where the scalp's occipital nerves become inflamed, can cause piercing, throbbing, or shock-like pain in the upper neck, back of the head, or behind the ears.

Migraine and occipital neuralgia, where the scalp’s occipital nerves become inflamed, can cause piercing, throbbing, or shock-like pain in the upper neck, back of the head, or behind the ears.

Both typical migraine and occipital neuralgia, where the occipital nerves (which run through the scalp) become inflamed, can cause pain that is piercing, throbbing, or shock-like in the upper neck, back of the head, or behind the ears. For Glenda, it would be as easy as turning on a light.

“It’s more like electricity shooting up on the side of my head and affecting my vision,” Glenda explained. Only when it’s stunning me does it hurt, and as the shock stops, so does the pain. That occurs at the worst possible times.

While her husband was away at war, she spent the next two decades searching for treatment on her own. He served his country honorably, but now he suffers from PTSD and chronic headaches after returning from active duty as a combat veteran.

Glenda placed her health second at that time to serve as her husband’s primary caregiver and aid in his best possible recovery. With time, her headaches got worse.

“It became debilitating for me,” Glenda explained. You should put on your own oxygen mask before helping anyone else. For the first time in my life, I prioritized my own needs.

“Now I really feel like I can get on with my life.”

Shortly after the FDA authorized Botox in 2010 for the treatment of migraines, Glenda was introduced to it as a therapy option. 

Glenda has been getting Botox injections once every 12 weeks since 2022. Thirty-one injections are placed at certain places in the head and neck as part of the treatment.

“It’s been a total game changer for me,” Glenda remarked. That is to say, “I feel like I can live my life again.”

How Botox Could Help Migraine Sufferers

Onabotulinum toxin A, more commonly known as Botox, is a neurotoxin that helps to alleviate migraines.

Botulinum toxin A, more commonly known as Botox, is a neurotoxin that helps to alleviate migraines.

Onabotulinum toxin A, or Botox, is a neurotoxin that helps reduce the frequency and severity of migraines in several ways. Its primary function is as a muscle relaxant, easing tension in the temporalis, frontalis, and corrugator muscles of the head and neck. It blocks migraine-inducing proteins from being transported, which is why it works. It can take up to nine months for the medication to be effective in blocking this neurological process.

Many patients report having frequent headaches. Those who have tried and failed with numerous drugs may find relief with Botox.

Botox is highly effective in relieving migraine pain. However, the effects typically fade after 10–12 weeks, when the proteins involved in headaches re-emerge. That implies it’s time to revisit the doctor.

Enhancing quality of life

With her husband’s health improving, Glenda is able to devote more time to her own interests while still caring for him. She’s back to canning, gardening, and carpentry, and her coop’s laying hens are healthier than ever.

“When you find a doctor who actually cares about the patient and is willing to try anything and everything to get the right care for you, you want to stick with them,” Glenda explained. 

Dentox was created to educate medical personnel on the most effective methods of injecting patients with Botox. We have designed a thorough training curriculum to assist you in achieving your goal of becoming an aesthetic medicine expert.

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