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Aesthetic injectables are going mainstream, so what’s next?

Aesthetic injectables are going mainstream, so what's next?

For the past several years, the market for cosmetic injectables has increased by double-digit percentage points annually. Global expansion, especially in developing nations, has been hastened by rising consumer purchasing power and increased availability of services (primarily through aesthetic clinic chains, med spas, and beauty bars). Changes in how people feel about health, beauty, and healthy aging have led to the rise of new patient groups, like men and millennials, who are more open to and accepting of aesthetic treatments.

Future growth expected to be double digits

Whether the market grows at the predicted rate of 10 to 12 percent or reaches its upside potential will depend on how well the industry takes advantage of growth trends and adapts to the needs of new patient groups.

Most of the undecideds in this cohort are males, who are predicted to more than double their use of injectables over the next five years. Based on the in-depth interviews we conducted, we found that approximately one-third of hesitators are likely to become believers, particularly in areas where an abundance of aesthetic clinics and chain stores lowers prices and increases accessibility.

Injectables might have less of a social stigma, and doing nothing could be seen as self-neglect. This could be a sign that people on the fence have changed their minds or a reflection of global social trends.

Five developments resulting in a larger patient pool

Five emerging aesthetic trends that address patients’ evolving wants and needs were uncovered by our survey and analysis.

1. New patient segments are benefiting from the increased visibility and acceptance that has resulted from the widespread use of social media

The amount of time people spent talking about neuromodulators on social media increased by a factor of five between 2010 and 2020, while the amount of time they spent talking about dermal fillers and biostimulants increased by a factor of eight. Different types of patients respond well to digital communications; for instance, 60% of Twitter mentions are from people under the age of 25, and 60% are from men. Aesthetics providers and manufacturers are adjusting to the fact that more of their customers and potential customers are online by connecting with them directly or through influencers who are making aesthetic procedures more common.

2. Businesses providing beauty services are mushrooming

The availability of cosmetic surgery is growing rapidly in all parts of the world. Channels are caught between two opposing forces: consolidation and expansion. Aesthetics clinic chains are coming together to strengthen their market position and speed up their growth. On the other hand, a slew of new medical professionals is entering the field in order to meet the growing demand for aesthetic-related services, such as auxiliary services in dental surgeries and nurse-administered therapies in large aesthetic-focused practices.

Patients in the United States now have more ways to get injectables, such as through large aesthetic clinic chains and the rise of wellness and beauty bars that offer cosmetic microtreatments (these are non-invasive methods, such as laser treatments and high-quality skincare products, that gradually restore a more youthful appearance). During our exploration of the Los Angeles metropolitan area, we uncovered 60 points of sale in Santa Monica alone.

3. Emerging evidence is gaining traction

Neuromodulators are often used for problems in the upper face, but they are also being used more and more for problems in other parts of the face and body. Biostimulation is often used to lift the buttocks, while dermal fillers are most often used to treat the lips, chin, and cheeks. Having sharper facial features is a preference in China, but this is just one example of how tastes can vary from country to country. It has been found that some borderline signs are more common in pioneering places like Los Angeles, such as jawline revision.

4. Providers are responding to patients’ demands

One of the most important ways for the industry to grow is by finding new ways to use dermal fillers and biostimulants. If clinical tests go well, China could have more than ten by 2025. This is especially true in the United States and China. There are also new technologies appearing, such as biostimulators and silk-based innovations. The healthcare providers who took part in our survey think that these tools will be used more in the coming years. When compared to neuromodulators and devices, the number of patents filed for new dermal fillers and biostimulators is four times higher.

Doctors want to do more than just perform individual procedures; they want to fill unmet needs like eliminating cellulite, sagging skin, acne scars, and excess fat. A broader range of treatments will need to be combined in order to achieve this. The business world is spending money on cutting-edge technologies like cell therapies and energy-based devices (EBDs) like blue-light therapy lamps for the home. Adjacencies and a rush to learn about and implement cutting-edge technologies, gadgets, and regenerative medicines may emerge as a result of a survey of innovation and aesthetics-based investment hotspots.

5. The influence of patient preferences on channel behavior is growing

We found that more and more people are doing their research before undergoing their first cosmetic procedure. North Americans trust online search results more than doctor referrals when seeking medical information. In developing countries, traditional media still carries more weight than the internet. These tendencies are borne out by younger patients; while 26% of patients over the age of 50 have no preference for a particular brand, only 5% of patients under the age of 40 feel the same way. According to surveys, over 40% of consumers ultimately choose a product because it was recommended by their doctor.

While this is happening, channels are adapting to meet the needs of the various patient subgroups. Most people under the age of 60 prefer to see a dermatologist or dentist, while beauty bars serve as a gateway for the younger demographic, and, in the United States, affluent people flock to MedSpas.

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