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Amy King’s Botox results were criticized after she said she didn’t like vaccines. Do you think this exemplifies Duggar hypocrisy?

Vaccines and Botox are safe when properly administered, but it's unethical to claim one is hazardous and then have the other.

Vaccines and Botox are safe when properly administered.

More than a year after allegedly saying she doesn’t believe in the COVID-19 vaccine, Amy King (neé Duggar) was criticized for showing off the results of her recent Botox procedure.

A personality organization was criticized for her hypocrisy in having the common cosmetic procedure done despite her alleged anti-vaccine views. One follower called her vain, and others said they couldn’t tell the snaps apart.

Amy’s claim that vaccines pose risks while Botox contains botulinum toxin, one of the most deadly toxins, was met with disapproval from one of Amy’s audience members. Although both vaccines and Botox are perfectly safe when administered properly, it would be unethical to claim that one is toxic and then receive the other, since Botox is literally made of poison.

Amy claims that vaccines are dangerous, but she gets Botox. Another person responded, “First of all, I can’t express how much I adore Botox. There is no animosity toward that. It’s amazing how much mental effort you have to put in to justify your preference for Botox over vaccines.”

A third person grumbled, “In a day or two, Amy will be defending what she did on social media and lamenting the haters,” while a fourth person added, “Really, I can’t think of a better example of Duggar hypocrisy than this.”

This particular wave of criticism emanated from social media after a prominent blogger, Katie Joy, who goes by the screen name “Without a Crystal Ball,” claimed that Amy had told her that she wasn’t vaccinated and wouldn’t vaccinate either herself or her child during the COVID-19 pandemic while the former friends were making plans to get together.

Katie Joy said at the time on her blog that she did not believe in the vaccine. She would not stay with them because of this fact alone. She would never stay in a home with an unvaccinated person, and my son cannot be exposed to COVID.

It might occur in the case of people who prefer Botox to the COVID vaccine. 

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