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ASAE Takes Action Against Botox Clinics

In response to the rising number of unlicensed providers, ASAE partnered with the National Unit for Criminal Information and Investigation (UNIIC) to investigate spas, clinics, and hair salons.

In response to the rising number of unlicensed providers, ASAE partnered with the National Unit for Criminal Information and Investigation (UNIIC) to investigate spas, clinics, and hair salons.

A procedure that is carried out without any medical expertise may result in bodily damage that is irreversible and cannot be repaired.

The Authority for Food and Economic Security (ASAE) has initiated close to 90 criminal actions against spas, clinics, and hair salons for practicing aesthetic medicine by providing botox.

ASAE issued a statement saying that they cooperated with the National Unit for Criminal Information and Investigation (UNIIC) in inspecting the facilities of spas, clinics, and hair salons as a response to the growing number of unlicensed providers who are offering these services.

For the sake of operational fairness, roughly 90 criminal proceedings have been initiated to date for the practice of usurpation of functions, resulting in the seizure of various medical devices, equipment, and other utensils used in the commission of the offense.

According to the authority, injections of botulinum toxin (also known as Botox) and hyaluronic acid, as well as the use of other intrusive treatments, such as tension threads for facial harmony, are strictly reserved for medical specialists.

The authority highlighted how lucrative these crimes are, pointing out that they need continual monitoring and severe enforcement of the law. The Authority for Food and Economic Security (ASAE) is unwavering in its commitment to the mission it has set for itself, which is to protect the honor of the medical profession and promote the highest possible levels of patient safety and care.

ASAE has worked closely with the Health Regulatory Entity (HRE), the National Authority for Medicines and Health Products (INFARMED), and the Order of Doctors (DO). Its joint mission is to make sure that only properly trained professionals provide cosmetic medical services to the public.

ASAE and its partners are sending a clear message through their combined knowledge and coordinated actions that the unlicensed practice of cosmetic and medical operations will suffer legal consequences, ensuring the protection of the general public and protecting the credibility of the profession.

If it is not handled properly, botox might pose a significant health risk. When administered by properly qualified medical personnel, Botox is both risk-free and effective. They are aware of how to convey information in such a way that it has the maximum impact.

Dentox is a training program that teaches medical professionals, how to inject Botox effectively and safely. For additional information about online and in-person patient training courses, visit and, respectively.

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