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Botox- Advantages for Nurses

nurse botoxBeing a nurse is taxing enough. Long hours, endless shifts on rotation and demanding work do not leave much time left over to consider the entrepreneurial aspect of your job. But there certain options available that can not only make your life much easier, but make your income and working hours more streamlined. One of these options, and probably the most lucrative of these options, is offering Botox.

Botox used to be a tool of the stars. It was a luxury, but now it has become a readily available amenity to all. Anyone can avail Botox, be it a housewife or page three personality. The best part is that anyone with a basic medical background can obtain the license to administer Botox- this is the advantage for nurses. Most states permit nurses and nurse practitioners to give Botox to patients, the license is easily obtainable. Once you have a license, you can see a huge amount of patients as the demand is extremely high. For nurses who are already working in established practices, this is an even bigger advantage as they already have a patient base to build upon. Botox requires a small amount of time per patient and the income generated is a tremendous boost. What’s more, offering Botox services at your practice will increase your patient base manifold too.

Another reason to consider Botox is the chance to migrate away from the control of the practice. Licenses nurses and nurse practitioners do not require a supervising physician to administer Botox, so automatically, that gives you a degree of autonomy and independence. RNs do give Botox under a physician’s supervision, or if the physician is onsite, but once you have your own license, you’re not obligated to have the physician with you anymore.

The course itself is brief and easy to finish. Depending upon where you take it and getting your license, it should take you around two weeks to finish it. Most courses offer a chance to cover the entire topic in a comprehensive manner, whether it is an online course or a classroom style set up. In either case, a reliable course will prepare you for any eventuality.

And you do not have to limit yourself to just Botox. With the right training, you can offer services for dermal fillers like Restylane, and using Botox for therapeutic purposes as well, such as chronic pain management. The advantage of offering dermal fillers too is that your training will cover it, and it’s one of the treatments that give patients immediate results, so patient satisfaction levels are high as well. Your expertise will build upon itself, as will your patient base, and this is a sure shot way of getting both patients and money pouring in. You may need to pay attention to the administrative side of things as well, especially if you’re migrating away from a previous practice. Things such as independent accounts, maintaining a comforting working atmosphere for patients to feel at ease in, the sourcing and quality of materials you’ll be using- but these are all situational. You can just as easily keep working with an established practice. Or, if you want to, set up your own!

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