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Botox injections aren’t just for wrinkles!

We all know that Botox can be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, to make fine lines disappear completely, and to make a person look younger – but did you know that there are plenty of other ways that Botox can improve your skin and make your face look even younger? This is the less well known side of Botox, but it is gaining popularity with every day that passes because of its easy to administer and quick results way of changing the way that a person looks. Why not read on below and discover all of the different ways that Botox could help you?


acne before and after botoxBelieve it or not, very small Botox injections in the face could actually prevent people from developing acne at all, or reduce it if this is something that you already struggle with. The way that it works is by slowing down or eventually stopping the oil production of your skin, stopping breakouts from happening in the first place. Just don’t have it all over your face, or you won’t be able to move!

Cleft lip scars for babies

Injecting Botox into the lips immediately after the restorative operation can relax the muscle and nerves, meaning that there is less scarring when it heals. This is something that is very new and is still being tested out in many areas, but the results have been truly startling, and it is believed that we could soon see a generation grow up without any discernible signs that they every had a cleft lip at all in the first place.

Pretend nose job

If you don’t like the way that your nose looks then you are not alone; several thousand people every year decide to have a nose job, but it can be a pretty lengthy recovery time, and it does not suit everyone. Instead, try out a Botox nose job. It lifts and tightens the entire nose, mimicking the effects of a nose job almost completely, and it will be done in just a few hours! You will have to have the same injection every year or so, but it will still probably end up being cheaper too.

Give you Jenner lips

If this is your style, then it can be achieved without having to go through getting lip fillers or anything far more serious. Just tiny little injections of Botox all of the way along your upper lip will roll it out and relax it slightly, so it will look larger. Just don’t go overboard, or you’ll find yourself struggling to talk, eat, and prevent yourself from drooling – so not attractive! You can also change your mind after a few months because the Botox will have worn off by then.

Prevent excess sweating

There are some people who just get really nervous, and they seem completely unable to control their sweating – and that is exactly right. Uncontrolled sweating is a problem with your glands, and Botox can help disrupt the almost continuous ‘sweat!’ signal to the brain so that the glands do not sweat so much. This can be an absolute life saver for someone who has prevented themselves from going out, getting a job, or meeting someone because they are too embarrassed about their sweating.

Who knew that Botox could do so much! It is astonishing really just how much something that is actually poison can do to benefit our bodies! If this article has intrigued you, and you have medical training in any field or area, then you are the perfect person to receive Botox training. Just click on the link below to learn more.

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