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Botox Side Effects – Prevention With Concentration [Botox Training Tips]

With every single medical procedure there is the chance of side effects. That is just a fact of life that we as medical practitioners have to accept, and every single one of our patients have to accept when they decide that they want to have a procedure. There is absolutely nothing within the medical world that does not have some risk, but that does not mean that we should just simply accept that: instead, we should be working our hardest to reduce those risks, and minimise the chances of them happening to our patients.

When it comes to Botox, one of the essential things that you have to is to make sure that the concentrate, or the mixture of the solution of the chemical, is absolutely perfect. If it is not the right concentrate level, it can cause huge side effects in your patients. This is especially important if a patient has come to you from another medical practice, and they have side effects from receiving Botox injections from another doctor. What many people do not realise is that we will then use Botox to correct these problems, but at a 0.1 ml concentrate, nothing too strong. Anything stronger would just exacerbate the problem even further.

You should make sure to separate the 0.1 ml concentrate on the areas of the eyes as well, because these areas are very delicate and you do not want to give them the normal concentrate of 1 ml. To create a 0.1 ml concentrate, put the 1 ml concentrate into a vial and then remove 0.1 ml with a syringe. Then add that to the saline, to create that 0.1 ml concentrate – and you should always have some of this with you so that you can treat patients who really need that extra bit of care.

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