The world of business is becoming even more cut throat with every passing year, even within the medical field such as dental practices. When you have trained for almost all your life in order to carry out a profession that is as intense as being a dentist, you want some reassurance that you are going to be able to make a living for the rest of your life – but that is not always necessarily the case. For dentists who are looking to expand their practices, it can be almost impossible to consider exactly in what direction that could be done, but there are simple additions to your repertoire of skills that could really transform not only your dental practice, but also your bottom line: and that is Botox.
If you are one of the medical professionals who has looked down on Botox, then now is the time to stop. Although it was once considered the desperate steps taken by Hollywood actresses to keep looking young – and often the unwise mistake that scarred them for life – not only has our understanding of what Botox is improved, but so has its medical use. If you decide to train to administer Botox you could easily find just as many patients coming to your dental practice to ask for help with persistent migraines, back pain, or oversweating in the palms than those who want some of their wrinkles ironed out.
Unlike most new fields of medicine, Botox training is within your reach, and especially so because you already have your dental training. There is a huge amount of overlap to be found when it comes to Botox administration: think about all of the times that you have administered an injection, prepared a patient for surgery, or talked them through the different treatment options that are available for them. All of these skills are essential for anyone who is going to offer Botox to their patients, and so with your years of dental knowledge you are primed to be able to receive your Botox certification.
The only downside is that in most cases, you would have to travel someone, pay a fortune in training fees over the week, find someone to stay that wasn’t too expensive, be away from your dental practice for that time, and worst of all, be apart from your family. Many dentists simply figure that isn’t enough to tempt them to train in Botox – which is why this training is a little different. Instead of lasting a week, or even more, this Dentox training (Botox training for dentists) has been carefully created to take place in just one day; and more impressively, the expert trainer is going to come to you. Dr Howard Katz will be giving his world renown training in Los Angeles on January 14th 2017, and you could be a part of it.
You may not have heard of Dr Howard Katz, but absolutely anyone within the Botox field definitely has, and you’ll soon get used to hearing about him: after all, he holds the patents to almost every single chemical and tool that you will use during your Botox training and practice! His decades of research and dedication to understanding absolutely everything about Botox administration has led to him being called a world leading expert, which is certainly true. Dr Howard Katz is passionate about the dental profession enlarging their knowledge base, and this is the perfect chance to get all you can from his expertise. There’ll even be live patients to practice on during the day of training, so you definitely should not miss out on this opportunity to change your dental practice business forever.
Dr. Katz will be teaching his newest live, intensive program on Botox, Dermal Fillers and PRP on January 14th, to learn more about the course and reserve your spot, see the Botox Training Los Angeles Course Page