One of the key things that any medical professional should know is not something that many medical schools will teach. It’s not something that you will be able to learn from a medical textbook, and it is rarely something that is discussed openly with the medical community – and that is being paid by your patient’s medical insurance. Money matters should not be something that we avoid, and we should always be open with our patients about the cost of the treatment that we are giving them, along with the many medical and cosmetic benefits that they will receive. This ensures that the process of gaining the attention of their insurance company should not be too difficult.
When you contact a medical insurance company, you will need to have a letter of medical necessity from their primary care physician. When you have a consultation with them they should be able to hand that over, and you will then be able to forward that on to their insurance company. In this letter of necessity, it needs to have their complete migraine diagnosis, and this needs to include the fact that they have had migraines of this severity for at least six months and for at least fifteen days per month. It also needs to state by their primary physician that all oral medications that they have been prescribed have been completely ineffective.
Once you have done this, the medical insurance company should allow you to proceed and give the treatment. If a patient requires ongoing treatment, then you will need to demonstrate to the insurance company that there has been at least a 50% improvement to their medical migraine condition since the first lot of treatment, in order to convince the insurance company to continue to cover the cost.