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Clinical Pearls – Botox & Fillers Training Videos Part 4

This blog post is the first installation of a multi-part series of articles exploring the hidden gems of Dentox’s YouTube channel. Each article will briefly explore a pair of videos in which Dr. Howard Katz’s shares his famous tips and tricks. These are the same tidbits of professional insider knowledge that put Dentox courses at the head of the pack in medical aesthetics education.

Don’t look surprised

First up today, we’re looking a relatively common complaint of patients who have come in for glabellar Botox injections. Roughly 1 in 20 patients who’ve been treated in this specific area to reduce lines on the forehead can come back in to your office complaining about a “deer in the headlights” look.

One’s eyes looking excessively wide open after treatment is essentially the result of an injection administered too low on the forehead. An injection which affects mostly the frontalis muscle leads to a mismatch in the push / pull relationship of the frontalis and corrugator muscles. Without a counterbalance, the eyebrow is pulled upwards to give the patient that telltale surprised look.

Give the “don’t look surprised” video a watch to learn as Dr. Katz explains an elegant and simple strategy for ameliorating this problem.

Two for the price of one

Our second hidden gem is a bit of a tease. Dr. Katz briefly touches on the “two for the price of one” treatment involved in correcting a gummy smile and nasolabial fold. For the uninitiated, a nasolabial fold is more commonly referred to in the plural as “smile lines”.

The same muscle that causes a gummy smile is involved in smile lines, thus Dr. Katz proposes that the two can easily be treated with one technique.
This quick watch will leave you with the impression that our Dentox injectables courses, both online and in-person, are chalk full of many such valuable trade secrets; that’s why we call this series “hidden gems”. Have a watch below.

We’re proud to share our expert knowledge with a wider audience on a platform like YouTube. If you liked this video, you can check out one of our many other “genius minute” and testimonial videos or you can simply check back in here when we share our next hidden gem! Cheers.

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