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How to Avoid a Spock Brow and Ptosis with Botox Eyebrow Lift Injections

Have you ever wanted to know how to perfect the art of raising one’s eyebrows?

Botox Eyebrow Lifting Procedure

The orbicularis oculi, a muscle responsible for restricting and drawing down the eyebrow, can be targeted for a minimally effective eyebrow lift. Injecting the brow-lowering muscle is a viable treatment option for lateral brow furrows. There is a low risk and few adverse effects associated with injecting 4 units of Botox into the brow’s tail, which will have an effect on the orbicularis oculi muscle superiorly and laterally to provide a slight lift.

A minimally successful eyebrow lift targets the orbicularis oculi, which restricts and draws down the eyebrow.

A minimally successful eyebrow lift targets the orbicularis oculi, which restricts and draws down the eyebrow.

More of the orbicularis oculi muscle can be treated by injecting 1 unit medially, underneath the eyebrow, always very superficially, and beneath the lateral part of the eyebrow. This will make it possible to get more of a lift while maintaining a very understated look.

Botulinum toxin injections into the medial frontalis can boost eyebrow lift by making the lateral frontalis muscle more toned at rest. It’s one of the most noticeable ways to show you’re interested.

Avoiding a Spock Brow

Treating the frontalis muscle alone can result in an unnaturally high frown and a lateral brow lift (also known as a “Spock brow”) if the underlying glabellar complex isn’t addressed as well. This is because the corrugator and the procerus are strong enough to depress the brows in most patients, though not all. Even if you are successful in keeping your patient’s brow from furrowing, they could nevertheless wind up seeming irritated even though they are not. This occurs regardless of whether or not the glabellar complex is targeted for treatment, if the medial frontalis is overworked. The root cause is a collapse in the brow’s medial support.

Use the Frontalis Muscle for a Botulinum Toxin Brow Lift

Draw a line beginning at the nasal ala, continuing through the inner corner of each eye, and then up and over the brow bone to the hairline. If you want your eyebrows to curve upward, you need to increase the activity of the frontalis muscle along this line.

Undertreatment of the frontalis can lead to the development of vertical lines across the forehead; to avoid this, it is necessary to sculpt the area of unused muscle so that it lifts without forming lines.

Seeing the direction of the vector you’re trying to amplify is made easier by the line drawn up to the hairline. Then, connect the dot to the location of the brow’s tail with a line, and connect the hairline to a point midway between the two. Botulinum toxin should not be used in this triangular area because it could weaken the lateral frontalis muscle.

To avoid treating other probable frontalis muscle locations as well, it’s critical to rule out any other possibilities. Leaving the frontalis muscle active in its lower third is helpful for avoiding medial brow ptosis. By drawing a line two centimeters out from the orbital ridge, we establish a buffer zone of untreated frontalis. Since lines rarely affect the lower third of the forehead, it is safe to leave this area untreated to support the middle of the forehead.

If you want to prevent medial brow ptosis, it's best to keep the frontalis muscle active only in its bottom third.

If you want to prevent medial brow ptosis, it’s best to keep the frontalis muscle active only in its bottom third.

If you want to “save” some money and time when using botulinum toxin, it’s a good idea to map out the areas of the forehead without frontalis muscles so you can be sure you’re only injecting the toxin into the muscles you want to affect.

Keeping all of this in mind, the only part of the frontalis muscle that should be left to relax with Botox is the medial part, since the parts needed to support the medial brow and lift the lateral brow have already been excluded.

Spread your injection locations appropriately and maintain symmetry for maximum effectiveness and ideal spread. A dose of 1-2 units of Botox has a circumferential spread or effect on the muscle of 1.5 cm, around the size of a marble. The relative size of the untreated muscle might alter significantly depending on the location of your lateral injections, which will have a significant impact on the relative size of the lift and result in uneven eyebrows that are quite obvious if the face is symmetrical.

By injecting 1 unit of Botox into the bottom of the triangle you formed at the hairline, you can lessen the lift if it is still too noticeable after two weeks. You can get even more lift by treating the orbicularis oculi at your second appointment if you skipped it the first time around in favor of the more visible glabellar and frontalis areas. When you’re treating a patient for the first time, you’re both learning, and it’s normal to make adjustments as you establish a pattern for their unique eyebrow lift and gain familiarity with their face.

Dentox offers a training program where you can learn the ins and outs of Botox administration. In the field of cosmetic and therapeutic injectables, Dr. Howard Katz is without peer as the most knowledgeable and experienced expert trainer. Learn from us, and you’ll be able to give your patients results that will blow away industry norms and leave them speechless.

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