There is a way to treat spider veins and larger, varicose veins using laser technology called EVLT – Endovenous Laser Ablation. A doctor or vascular surgeon, certified in this technology can improve the look and feel of your legs.
A vascular surgeon is the only medical professional with the proper training to diagnose and treat vein problems in the legs. His expertise is in problems with the veins specifically and examines your arteries and medical history for clues to correct the problem. They look at everything relating to the patient, including any medications they currently take and any other medical diagnoses.
Endovenous Ablation of the Saphenous Vein (EVLT) and VNUS Closure
What typically happens during the procedure?:
During a procedure like this, you will be under sedation or perhaps a local anesthetic. A laser device that uses radio frequencies – the VNUS Closure device – is inserted through a catheter and into the skin of the affected leg. Under the close observation of the surgeon, a pulse of energy is delivered through the device and into the vein causing it to collapse and close. This energy is in the form of heat. The bad vein is now permanently closed and the other healthy veins take over and direct the blood flow to another area. Any symptoms you experience will disappear over a few weeks.
Since the procedure is done in the office, it is completed quickly and the patient is free to resume their activities with the help of compression stockings. Walking is encouraged to help the body heal itself, but avoid any strenuous exercise for a while until you get the doctor’s approval.
The surgeon you choose to perform this procedure should be someone with the latest cutting edge equipment and years of experience to reduce the possibility of any problems during the procedure. Taking more precautions will ensure a quick procedure with the least amount of pain or discomfort.
Injection Sclerotherapy Using Ultrasound
Using ultrasound and the tiniest of needles, Sclerotherapy is extremely effective at treating large varicose veins that can lead to further problems. The vein is injected with a liquid solution that causes an irritation inside the vein wall causing it to collapse. The vein is now closed off without the need for surgery. Two solutions, Asclera and Sotradecol, are FDA-approved for this purpose. Saline solution is not used anymore because it can cause scarring and burning.
Ligation and Vein Stripping
This procedure is a surgical procedure that involves removing a portion of the damaged vein. The patient is given a local anesthetic and must wear compression stockings afterward. Walking is highly encouraged and recommended.
Now you know more about vascular surgeons and laser therapy to get rid of varicose veins.