There are 36 or more colleges in San Diego and many more training centers and individual instructors, so why would it be necessary to turn to an online Botox training course when there are so many educational opportunities right here in town?
UC-San Diego, San Diego State and Point Loma Nazarene University as well as their colleague universities keep more than 150,000 people busy and fill up more than 18,000 dorm rooms. But if you’re already busy, concerned with costs or want to be able to relearn and review what you’re being taught, it makes sense to forget the universities and training centers and bring online Botox training into your practice, your home or wherever you want it to be.
Online Training Is Better Than In-Person Training
Did you know that nearly half of all institutions of higher learning — including many here in San Diego — offer some kind of online learning? It’s no wonder that traditional colleges and universities are learning what smaller training centers and trainers in the business world have known for a long time: online training is actually superior to in-person training in many ways. That includes the following:
You feel more connected. When you’re in a lecture hall full of people, it’s easy to feel disconnected. But online trainers like Dr. Howard Katz, lead trainer at Dentox and provider of the nation’s most respected online Botox training course, are experts at connecting with the camera and therefore connecting with individual students no matter where they are. Think of how much more effective television newscasts and their personable anchors are than other ways of getting the news.
You can watch your class again and again. When you train in person, the class is gone in a flash. But training online means cameras capture the event, and Dentox provides unlimited access to the recording of your class so you can watch it again and again — even months or years later. A single class can educate you until you understand perfectly.
Assessment happens without peer pressure. In the case of the Dentox Botox training class, assessment is made based on photos and other materials that you provide directly to the instructor. You don’t have to stand up in front of the class and do anything. And you may be able to learn your injection techniques on real people, depending on several factors.
The instructor is always there for you. Dr. Katz is accessible to his past students by email. How many college professors make the promise of future availability? But keeping in touch by email with online students just makes sense.
Dentox Is Better Than Any Competitor
Online training also allows you to learn from world-renown experts that may not be coming to your area in the near future. That’s the case with the online Botox training course from Dentox. Dr. Howard Katz is an internationally known expert in cosmetic and therapeutic Botox whose name is actually on the Botox patent application. How much better qualified could your trainer be?
After a brief seminar and proof of learning, you can bring in more income for your practice to enhance its bottom line. And you can put yourself in demand in the marketplace. But your training won’t be as effective or as impressive if you choose inferior instruction.
When you choose Dentox and Dr. Katz to help you learn the Botox skills you need to add to your practice offerings or your resume, you’re clearly choosing the very best. And there’s no other San Diego Botox training choice that makes more sense when you want dependable, easy-to-follow training that stays with you and serves you well as you move into the future.