Being a healthcare professional can be a maddening job if you lack time management skills. With the hours we have to put in, the hours we need to put in for becoming good at what we do, already take away most of the day, and sometimes well into the weekend too. Needing to take an additional course can be nearly impossible to do without compromising working hours or free time, but this is where the beauty of Dentox’s online Botox training course comes in. The course is, as the name suggests, online. You don’t need to go haring off to the opposite side of the city in the middle of rush hour just to make your class- you can study and take it at a place and time convenient to you. In addition, the course work is in no way compromised by the fact that it is online. It is fully comprehensive, detailed, and outlines everything you could need to know about offering quality Botox to your patients, in your own practice as well.
The biggest feature of the Dentox online Botox training course is the fact that it is taught under Dr. Howard Katz, the very man with his name on the Botox patent. While it is not a live lecture with him (obviously, since it’s online), it’s a semi live interaction with a supervisor online who is at hand continually to clear any doubts you might have, about everything from the contents and tyoes of different Botulinum toxins used, the various procedures you can use, the methods of administering Botox, where and how the best way to inject are- and this is just the medical side of things, They also teach you the legal side of things, how and where you will need a license, certification details, etc. Completing the course gives you physical certification from Dr Katz himself, including a direct line of communication with him for asking doubts and queries not just during the course of the online training, but after you’ve finished the course as well. It’s the only course that has Dr Katz supervising- and who better to teach than one of the very makers of Botox?
Not only are Botulinum toxins covered, but there is detailed review of the indications for the different toxins, like Botox, Dysport, Myoblock, Xeomin, etc. Dermal fillers are also examined in detail, as well as FDA approved techniques and off label techniques for managing other issues that can be resolved with Botulinum toxins such as chronic migraines, temporomandibular joint disorders, chronic pain, jaw aches, as well as the obvious- cosmetic approaches needed to remove wrinkles, and give the patient plumper, fuller and more supple skin. Because Botox can be given by anyone with a license, but patients are not stupid. Everyone looks at their doctor’s or healthcare provider’s credentials before approaching them for a procedure that’s going to be performed on their face. Certification from Dr Katz is as good as it gets- the best. The course even counts as continued medical education credit, so that’s another benefit, and even covers all emergency measures you could possibly need, side effects, adverse effects, precautions and safety. This is the best opportunity for any healthcare professionals who want to advance their practice, but in experience and in patient traffic.

Good Day,
I am a nurse practitioner trained to do Botox migraine injections. I would like to learn to do injections for dystonia, chronic pain, thoracic outlet. Do you offer those classes? Cost? Location? I am in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Thanks
Hi Timothy, we teach all of the aesthetic and therapeutic treatments for the face and head. On this page you can find the details for the live patient course (cities/dates at the bottom):
And here are the details for the online programs:
Kind regards, Ari