When you choose to take Botox training Los Angeles medical professionals can depend on from Dentox, you’re making a smart decision that will serve you well – and add three new skills to your toolbox. This can help you boost your practice’s bottom line and increase patient satisfaction too.
In addition to learning to inject Botox from the original Botox instructor, you also learn to inject dermal fillers and perform the Dentox exclusive PRP therapy for filling lines and speeding healing.
Dermal Fillers Go Hand In Hand With Botox
Botox provides excellent results for your clients, but sometimes Botox alone isn’t enough to fully rejuvenate the face, neck and hands. That’s where dermal fillers come in. When you take the Botox training Los Angeles medical professionals call the very best from Dentox and Dr. Howard Katz, you learn about dermal fillers as well.
Injecting dermal fillers is similar to injecting Botox in many ways, so learning this valuable skill goes hand in hand with learning Botox injections. Your one-day class will make you completely proficient in dermal fillers, giving you a second way to help your clients get the remarkable results they want from you.
PRP Therapy Is New, Exclusive And Valuable
Only Dr. Katz is offering instruction on platelet rich plasma therapy – or PRP. That’s because he’s the originator of this innovative procedure. It can help you and your clients in two ways. First, PRP therapy can replace dermal fillers for some patients – and can be completed at a much lower cost. By using a patient’s own blood to make a healing substance to be injected into wrinkles, great results are possible at a low cost to the patient.
Second, PRP therapy can aid in the healing of many kinds of dental procedures, including implants. This means patients get better, faster results and are more satisfied with your work. When you learn PRP therapy from Dentox and Dr. Katz, you’re getting in on something new that few medical professionals are offering.
And That’s Just The Beginning
Botox training from Dentox has other benefits as well. Since Dr. Katz is the originator of Botox training and has his name on the product’s patent, he’s always innovating – and teaching what he’s discovering. That means his students are always on the cutting edge of Botox usage.
The single-day training is also hands-on, allowing you to learn in the way that’s most likely to lead to retention. You can practice on foam heads as well as a patient you bring with you, if you desire. And you get continuing education credit. Refreshers are available online – plus you can always contact Dr. Katz with your patient questions. What more could you want?
Botox training in Los Angeles with Dr. Katz and the Dentox team is a smart way to increase your skill set and boost your bottom line while making clients happier than ever before. It just makes sense to choose the very best in Botox education. It makes sense to choose Dentox.
To register for this program, visit https://dentox.com/botox-training-los-angeles