Even at the depths of the economic downturn of 2008 and 2009, men and women who had turned to Botox injections and other cosmetic procedures in the past to maintain or restore the look of youthfulness were willing to spend hundreds and sometimes thousands to keep up the regimen, many medical professionals noted.
Those who hadn’t yet started on a facial maintenance program when bad time hit often opted to put aside the facelift and instead have injections and laser treatments.
And that’s all great news for those considering adding Botox training to their arsenal of tools to help patients.
One woman in Nebraska told a major newspaper in 2008 that even though she lost her job as a bookstore manager and was $140,000 in debt from paying for a child’s college, she didn’t give up her Botox and Restylane injections. She equated having the injections to eating comfort food. They simply made her feel better, she said.
Almost three of four plastic surgeons surveyed in 2008 said that demand for minimally invasive cosmetic procedures remained strong despite the nation’s worst economic condition in decades. But the number of more complex procedures — like breast augmentation and nose reshaping, for example — dipped significantly.
Once again, these comments and statistics show how demand for Botox and similar procedures endures even when there’s no money for anything else. That means those with Botox training remain in demand no matter the economic situation.
No statistics are available much farther back because most facial rejuvenation drugs weren’t yet available when there were previous economic downturns. Botox has actually been on the market for well over 20 years, but its approval for cosmetic use didn’t come until 2002, right about the time when the dotcom bust was coming to an end. And dermal fillers like Juvederm and Restylane have been on the market even less time.
Speaking of dermal fillers, their use stayed steady and even showed a rise during the economic mess. According to one dermatologist, investment opportunities were so bad at the time that people started investing whatever money they had in themselves instead of in the market or other traditional investment vehicles.
A plastic surgeon in New York City (see our Botox training program in New York) commented in 2008 that during bad times, even those who have relatively stable jobs are afraid to take as much time off from work as surgery requires, so they opt for minimally invasive procedures like dermal fillers and Botox to “tide them over” until they can afford a more complex procedure. And in some cases, they find that the results from injections are good enough they don’t have to opt for surgery later on.
There’s also the idea that you can pay as you go with cosmetic procedure. While it can cost $15,000 or more to have a facelift, patients can pay from a few hundred to a couple thousand dollars for a Botox or dermal filler program and be done with it. And since Botox lasts for months, they can come back when they have more money or simply let it go if they can’t afford it for a while. There’s no need to run up a huge credit card bill for a big-ticket cosmetic surgery procedure.
No matter the economic situation, patients often see aesthetic treatments as a way to keep their jobs, not just an indulgence to vanity. For those who work in a competitive business environment, having Botox can be one way to stay in competition with younger but less experienced contenders.
The Nebraska woman says that people routinely spend hundreds on color highlights and styling for their hair, so it makes sense to spend similarly on her face.
Wouldn’t you like to increase the performance of your practice and stay competitive in your work environment by learning the new skills involved in Botox injections? While you’re helping your patients, you could also be helping yourselves to a more competitive practice and to greater profits.
Time and time again, media reports tells of people in financial hard times who will forego eating out, going to shows and remodeling their homes — but they won’t forgo the facial injections and other minimally invasive procedures that help them maintain consistent and acceptable looks despite the progression of aging. Some may increase intervals between procedures a bit, but they simply aren’t willing to stop.
In times of financial turmoil, there are also tips and techniques that practices can use to maintain and even increase interest in cosmetic procedures. One is to run aggressive promotions and big discounts. This is especially common in areas where there is a lot of competition among Botox injectors and may or may not be necessary in other areas.
While some medical professionals are reluctant to advertise or promote their services because of fear they will look vane or overly promotional, many others have put aside these qualms from their pasts and stepped up to the plate — with great results.
Some Botox injectors now offer gift certificates around the holidays, two-for-one specials and other great deals to make Botox seem more possible and more appealing, no matter the state of the economy.
The economy may be strong today, but some individuals are still having problems making ends meet. And you can bet these people aren’t forgoing their cosmetic procedures.
Why not get your share of the funds they’re spending on looking good by offering Botox injections at your practice? Once you get Botox training, there’s little startup cost and a world of profits that you can tap into.