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A Regular User of Botox for Her Forehead Claims, “I Just Don’t Believe in Any Shots”

The botox injection enhanced my appearance in some way to make me more enticing.

The patient’s attractiveness was boosted after a Botox injection.

A woman has stated that she does not trust the government enough to get the COVID vaccine, despite the fact that she has no problem letting a beautician inject Botox into her forehead three times a year.

A woman who seems to be a big fan of Botox says that the widespread use of vaccines is part of a larger plot to exert control over the populace, but she doesn’t explain how.

She told us, “It’s all about control,” before admitting that she wasn’t entirely sure how a vaccine against Covid or any other illness could control anyone. “It’s all about control,” she repeated.

She transitioned into a new topic with the not particularly graceful statement, “Look, it’s all about personal choice.”

“People should be free to choose whether or not they want a vaccine, and if they’re not comfortable with how quickly we’ve found one, or if they don’t trust the organizations that are behind them, then they shouldn’t be required to have it. ” Personally, I believe that everyone should use their own judgement in these matters.

This is the same judgement that a woman uses when she books herself in for a regular six-monthly botox treatment at her local High Street beautician. This treatment is administered by a woman who has exactly the same amount of medical training as the woman receiving it.

She went on to say that Botox was different because she was aware that it was a poison; unlike other substances, it did not pretend to be something that it was not. I appreciate the fact that the substance being injected into my face is completely truthful.

If I am going to submit to having a foreign substance injected into my body with the help of a needle, then at the end of the day, it had better be doing something to make me look more appealing. I mean, has anyone reported seeing a reduction in the number of wrinkles after receiving a COVID vaccine?

I no longer have anything to say about this.

It had better be doing something to make me look more appealing.

Helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals is one of the best ways to improve their appearance, and you can do it with the right education and training. For online classes, please go to, or for live patient courses, please visit

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