Are you scared of sweaty arms? Have you ever found yourself in a situation whereby you are afraid to raise up your hands? Or you have to take an extra shirt with you whenever you are going out to avoid embarrassment? This could be as a result of a condition known as hyperhidrosis which can be treated with Botox.
How Botox Can Reduce Sweating
The symptoms of hyperhidrosis include excessive sweating in the palms, armpits, the sole of the feet, scalp, and face. People affected by these conditions can easily feel embarrassed when in public, but the condition is easily treated using Botox.
Botox also known as Onabotulinumtoxin A, is a purified, natural neuro toxic protein which temporarily blocks the secretion of the chemical that activates the sweat glands. When this happens, the sweat glands at the particular injection spot becomes deactivated and can no longer produce sweat. On the average, you will notice a reduction in your perspiration level of about 70-90%, regardless of your gender. Even if Botox does not stop sweating entirely, you might still see some improvement.
The treatment procedure only takes a little time, about 10mins and you can still go ahead with your routine daily activity just like before. The procedure involves the injection of some tiny amount of Botox into your underarms. However, you are advised to abstain from exercises or the use of sauna on the day of your injection.
There Will Be Visible Results Of Reduced Sweating In 2-4 Days
Patients will begin to notice signs of reduced perspiration level in as little as 2-4days, while some people will see its full effect on their sweat glands after about two weeks after treatment, but recent studies have revealed that it can also last up to 12 months.