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Botox For Restless Leg Syndrome: Further Research Could Confirm Results

Botox For Restless Leg Syndrome: Further Research Could Confirm Results

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is defined as an urge to move the legs that may be accompanied by pain or unpleasant sensations and is relieved when movements are made. It may be worse in the evenings or at night than during the day. Importantly, these leg movements must not be part of another condition or behavioral issue to be classified as RLS.

As many as 3 million cases of RLS are diagnosed in the United States each year, and treatment can involve self-care – including discontinuing caffeine usage and smoking – as well as massage, dietary supplements, dopamine promoters and nerve pain medications. In severe cases, Botox for RLS could be the answer, but research hasn’t clearly confirmed effectiveness.

More About Botox For Restless Leg Syndrome

RLS is known to involve the dopaminergic system, but there is so solid link between RLS and Parkinson’s disease, which also involves this system. There is also evidence of a connection between RLS and spinal motor neuron hyperexcitability. Levodopa can successfully treat intermittent RLS in some cases.

A handful of studies have looked at Botox for RLS. In a study of 6 patients, Botox into leg muscles didn’t work any better than placebo. But two small open studies of only 3 and 8 patients showed improved leg control with Botox. A study of 26 patients tried using Dysport for severe RLS, and all patients showed improvement. A study that tried Xeomin for severe RLS showed significant improvement in symptoms, including pain.

Patients Need Your Help

The key to successful use of Botox for any medical condition, including restless leg syndrome, is often careful injection techniques. Learn how to properly inject Botox for medical and cosmetic purposes at a Dentox training class – in person, online or on demand. Reach out now or sign up for a seminar that can help you relieve patient symptoms and enhance the income of your practice too.

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