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Botox Side Effects – Prevent Drooling [Botox Training Tips]

When a person decides that they want to have Botox on their face, nine times out of ten they have decided to do that because they are self conscious about the way that they are aging. This is of course a perfectly good reason to decide to have Botox, but that can often mean that those patients are even more aware of any accidental side effects that may occur, and one of those is uncontrolled drooling – definitely not something that a self conscious person wants to suffer! That is why it is critically important for you to do your utmost to make sure that you prevent the side effect of drooling. But how can you do this?

Well, first of all, this occurs when Botox is injected below the nose and around the mouth, and in most cases drooling as a side effect will only occur in patients who have experienced Bell’s Palsy in the past. They may not really be aware of it if it was a very mild case, but there is an easy way to find out: ask them to pucker their lips. Most people will be able to do this easily, but if you see any asymmetry in their pucker you will immediately know that there is some weakness there already. This means that you should avoid doing any Botox injections around the mouth, because the muscles there are just not going to be strong enough.

Knowing your patient is the most important thing that we can do in medicine, and you’ll find as you go that prevention is better than cure when it comes to creating a drooling side effect. Getting to know your patient better will immediately help you to prevent this rather embarrassing and slightly inconvenient side effect.

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