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Botox vs Dysport: The Better Answer To Our Wrinkly Woes?

by Botox Edu

botox and dysport injections“Aging gracefully” is often over-used by people to describe someone who is older and has little to no wrinkles on their faces. While each one of us would want that from our old-age, having a naturally wrinkle free face is pretty hard to achieve. Lots of factors come into play like genetics, nourishment, fitness etc. for someone to have absolutely zero wrinkles as they age. Luckily, for everyone without great genes, there are cosmetic procedures that can be done to achieve the same effect. For the longest time, Botox was the most popular procedure used for removing wrinkles from the skin, but with Dysport gaining its fair share of popularity in the recent times, some believe that it may even be a lot better than Botox. If you are considering to get one of these procedures done, continue reading to learn more about the effects of Botox Vs Dysport.

So Botox or Dysport?

Before you chose Botox over Dysport, or vice versa, it is important to understand what these are and how they are different from each other. Both Botox and Dysport are commercially sold drugs that are made up of neurotoxins which help remove wrinkles from the skin. Now, even though the main underlying mechanism for these two are pretty much the same, there are a lot of differences between the two, in terms of what composition of neurotoxins is in each one, how many units are required to get the desired effect and their cost. From clinical tests and results, it is known that Dysport has a quicker effect on its patients than Botox, although it is believed that the latter has a longer lasting effect. Further studies are yet to be conducted on these two to officially say which one lasts longer, but looking at what these injections are made of, it is almost likely for Dysport to win this battle against Botox. Because Botox contains significantly larger amounts of protein, it is very probable for the body’s immune system to kick in and fight any foreign particles entering the body. Dysport, with a much diluted quantities of protein, makes it easier for the body to not retaliate the injections.

The diluted concentrations of protein in Dysport also makes it the best choice for the coverage of larger areas as it tends to spread out more and a lot quicker than Botox. The spreading out effect also helps in keeping the costs low because you end up using lesser amounts for treating the desired areas. To put all of this into perspective, ten units of Botox cost about $52.5 while the same number of units of Dysport will cost you about $6. All this to say, with so many positives about Dysport, it is also a good thing to remember that Botox has been around for longer and has a more extensive database with regards to the side-effects, infections or allergies it may trigger. It is advisable to consider these things especially if you have a sensitive skin or a weak immune system.

If you are a qualified medical professional, and would like to learn how to use Botox or Dysport to enhance your business, visit our Botox Training Page and learn from the inventor named on the patent applications for Botox!

One Response to “Botox vs Dysport: The Better Answer To Our Wrinkly Woes?”

  1. […] by Botox Edu “Aging gracefully” is often over-used by people to describe someone who is older and has little to no wrinkles on their faces. While each one… April 29, 2014  […]

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