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Peace Of Mind (Dentox Courses & Corona Virus Concerns)

Peace Of Mind (Dentox Courses & Corona Virus Concerns)

At Dentox, the health and well-being of our attendees, colleagues, and communities is our top priority. We understand the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) and we are committed to being responsive to the needs of our attendees as the situation evolves and more information is given.

We want to let our attendees know that our scheduled courses are still on as of now.  We hope you find peace in the fact that we design our courses in a way that is conducive for smaller more intimate learning settings. Our courses are not overly crowded, and we do this on purpose.  We find our protocol is better received in a smaller setting, which encourages attendee interaction, more questions, and a more laid back environment – perfect for learning! In addition, we have Medcial Grade True HEPA Air Filters, all surfaces are sterilized prior to the courses, masks and hand sanitizer are made available throughout.

Our programs are set up so that all techniques can be taught with manikins, so those who do not wish to inject live patients can be accommodated, and will receive the same level of education.

As always, the health, safety, and well-being of our attendees is of paramount concern. We will continue to monitor this quickly evolving situation and are here to assist our attendees as needed.  Of course, we will also keep you posted on any changes in our upcoming seminar calendar

For additional information about COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at  In the meantime, we look forward to having you in the classroom

The Truth About Dermal Fillers

The Truth About Dermal Fillers

You have probably seen those commercials for wrinkle creams that claim they are the best alternative to surgery. Dermal fillers are different from Botox. They still use needles for the application but you still have control of the muscles in your face. You can smile without worrying. They fill in tiny lines and furrows by plumping and hydrating the skin. Topical skin creams add moisture and produce a radiant glow, but cannot do the job of dermal fillers.

Taking good care of your skin goes a long way towards preventing wrinkles. There are many things that cause your skin to age like gravity, losing fat tissue, and sun damage can make you look older.

Dermal fillers can help you regain that youthful look of radiant skin. Women in their 40’s can look years younger by filling in the lines around the eyes and mouth. It doesn’t take much and the effects are long-lasting.

The one drawback for some people is the use of needles. They are letting that fear hold them back. But in all honesty, the needles are a micro-gauge so they are tiny and thin. Any discomfort that you might experience lasts a short time. They are not like Botox so there is no concern for allergic reactions.

How to Use Dermal Fillers:

With dermal fillers, the material is injected directly into wrinkles on the forehead, nose, and around the mouth. It fills in these little hollows and plumps the skin making those tiny lines disappear. It makes the skin look firmer, softer, and younger. This treatment is usually done over the course of 3 months with improvements seen at every stage. Now if you combine good skincare with the use of anti-aging products you will retain that youthful appearance for longer periods.

Which Dermal Filler Is Best?

There are different dermal fillers for different purposes. They all are the best in their category. Dermal fillers hydrate the skin and make it look younger by smoothing away lines. Botox injections temporarily immobilize areas of the face to freeze wrinkles and smooth the skin. They do different jobs but they can also be used in combination with other treatments. Botox can be used on forehead furrows and dermal fillers can be used around the mouth and corners of the eyes to fill in tiny lines there. There is no one product that is the best because they all work well and perform different tasks.

Dermal fillers last a lot longer than some other treatments. They are temporary because you will need more eventually when the effects wear off. You will still need to practice proper skin care as well as use anti-aging products to keep your youthful glow.

Skin Resurfacing Can Get Rid of Acne Scars

Skin Resurfacing Can Get Rid of Acne Scars

There are many things that can age your skin. Poor diet, smoking, drinking, exposure to the sun, and genetics can make you look older. Brown patches called “age spots” also appear as you age. Skin resurfacing is a way to reduce the appearance of acne scars, blotches, and age spots.

No matter what type of technique is used, there is a risk of bad scar tissue forming when the intent to form good scar tissue. It is important to consult with an expert in skin resurfacing such as a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

Consult a Professional

The first step when thinking about skin resurfacing is to consult with a professional. When you schedule a consultation you will have the opportunity to show the dermatologist the problems and discuss the treatment process and what to expect. This gives the doctor an idea of what you want to accomplish and to ensure that your goals are realistic.

Just like any other type of procedure, the doctor will ask about your medical history including allergies, medications you’re taking ( including topical skin creams) and previous surgeries or therapies. It is important to be as thorough and detailed as possible to avoid a potentially bad outcome. The doctor needs to know everything about you to determine if this procedure is appropriate for you.


The techniques used for skin resurfacing include chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and dermabrasion. The basic principle is the same for all three techniques; you cause minor injury to the skin through needling or buffing and as it heals, it reveals the new skin underneath. Any time you get the smallest of injuries such as a cut on your finger or little scrape, the body reacts by sending antibodies and healing properties to the surface of the skin to aid healing. It works off this basic principle. Your doctor will contact your insurance provider to see if this procedure is covered. Some policies do not cover certain procedures.


Dermabrasion involves a technique to remove the very top layer of skin. When you skin your knee you scrape the top layer of skin. It is similar to this in that the top layer of skin is gently scraped to remove dead skin cells and encourage healing. This treatment is frequently used to improve the appearance of acne scars and uneven skin pigment.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel involves applying a chemical solution to an area of the face. There are different strengths of solutions and techniques for application. The doctor monitors the skin for changes. Most often, the solution used is a type of Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) that includes glycolic acid. These treatments improve the appearance of the skin over time. This also works well for reducing brown spots and fine lines.

Treatments are performed in the doctor’s office without the need for anesthesia. Since no anesthesia is used, you can drive yourself home after the procedure. You may experience a little skin tingling or stinging. The dermatologist will recommend products to use for maintaining skin tone at home.

Laser resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing has two different techniques that are used. The first one is similar to dermabrasion and chemical peels in that it removes the outer layer of skin. The second technique is called fractional resurfacing and uses a laser to make tiny holes in the skin. The downside to this technique is that it is harder to control the depth of penetration for facial skin.

Skin resurfacing can change and improve the appearance of the skin with continued treatments.

What is Mesotherapy Treatment, and Why Should We Offer it?

What is Mesotherapy Treatment, and Why Should We Offer it?

Mesotherapy is a safe, natural alternative to surgery to firm up sagging skin. It works great for dull, dehydrated skin by giving it a much-needed boost. It works on areas of the face, neck, chest, and hands.

For this procedure, superficial needling is performed on the top layer of the skin, allowing the injectable solution to reach down into the dermal layers. The skin is hydrated and revitalized from the inside with better collagen and elastin production.

Mesotherapy can be used in place of hyaluronic acid for toning the skin and improving the appearance of wrinkles. The skin looks more vibrant and radiant after treatment. Treatments are administered about every 6 weeks for the best results. The benefits are even greater when used with a glycolic peel. The pores are open allowing the product to absorb better.

Can Mesotherapy reduce cellulite?

About 90% of women are affected by cellulite that collects on thighs, butt, hips, and stomach. It produces lumps or dimples on the surface of the skin that resemble the texture of an orange peel. The traditional treatment for cellulite is liposuction, but this does it faster and easier.

How is Mesotherapy performed?

The procedure must be performed by a doctor who has been trained in administering it. Using a very thin needle, the doctor makes several injections into the layers of skin. The injections are shallow and extremely easy. The amount and strength of the product are determined by each individual case. An injection is given once every 10 to 14 days until you see the desired results.

What are the side effects associated with Mesotherapy?

A little burning and soreness for a few hours afterward, but not much other than that. There is always some worry about a reaction with a product, but this is not something that generally happens.

Would you need more than one treatment to see results?

Every patient is different so it really depends on the person and their body. Some need more, others need less. You should be seeing results between 3 and 5 treatments.

Can a patient return to work right after treatment?

The procedure takes only 30 minutes to complete. In most cases, they can return to work right after receiving the treatment. There is no bruising or wearing bandages like traditional facelifts.

How often can a patient have treatments?

The procedure can be repeated after 10 to 14 days. Mesotherapy can be used on various parts of the body to reduce cellulite and to reduce signs of aging.

Mesotherapy is a quick and easy alternative to liposuction and other invasive treatments. Body sculpting can be achieved with this product and correct usage. In some cases, liposuction may work better, depending on the circumstances.

Online Botox Training Beats In-person Training for Students in San Diego

Online Botox Training Beats In-person Training for Students in San Diego

Why take an online course in Botox when there are so many local colleges in San Diego? To be precise, there are 36 colleges and several training centers in the area so why should students skip the traditional courses and opt to learn online? There are a couple of good reasons online Botox training is the better option.

San Diego State and Point Loma Nazarene, as well as UC – San Diego, have more than 150,000 people and 18,000 dorm rooms full of students. In this type of environment, it is hard to learn at your own pace because there are so many students in the class and there is no time to take things slow and ask questions. Who has the time to squeeze an extra course into an already busy schedule? In this situation, it makes more sense to opt for an online training course with more flexibility.

Benefits of Online Botox Training

Online training courses offer more benefits that in-person training courses. Out of all the colleges in the San Diego area, almost all of them offer some type of online learning because students need that flexibility to manage school and life. Many educators recognize this need for stability and offer training that students can do around their other obligations. Here are a few reasons online training is better:

You are able to feel relaxed and centered. In a busy class full of people talking, studying, and things going on around you it is easy to feel out-of-sync. People tend to be more at ease in familiar settings and educators like Dr. Howard Katz, lead instructor at Dentox and Botox training expert, have discovered that students learn differently and some do better in the comfort of their own home than in a noisy classroom. Dr. Katz uses a video camera to connect with students and present the information in a way they can understand and if they have questions they are answered in real-time.

In an online class, you can watch the recordings over and over to master a subject. No teacher wants to repeat information for every student who missed a class or is having trouble understanding the material. Students have unlimited access to the training videos and can rewatch them anytime, 24/7 until they have it down.

Student assessments are based on training materials and photo evidence. You never have to stand in front of a class or write on the board so there is no fear of embarrassment or peer pressure. You get real hands-on practice so you know that you have mastered the techniques.

Dr. Katz is available for students by email anytime. Students can email him with questions and get a response within 24 hours. When does that happen with traditional instructors? This personalization continues even after students graduate from the course.

So for those considering whether to take this training, it is worth it to invest in yourself and your ability to bring in more revenue for your business. Botox skills are in-demand and patients are looking for a practice that offers this service.

By choosing to take online Botox training with Dr. Katz you are choosing to learn from the best. There is no one more qualified or more knowledgeable on the subject of Botox applications than Dr. Katz. The training is easy and will serve you well for years to come.

Laser Therapy to Treat Varicose Veins

Laser Therapy to Treat  Varicose Veins

There is a way to treat spider veins and larger, varicose veins using laser technology called EVLT – Endovenous Laser Ablation. A doctor or vascular surgeon, certified in this technology can improve the look and feel of your legs.

A vascular surgeon is the only medical professional with the proper training to diagnose and treat vein problems in the legs. His expertise is in problems with the veins specifically and examines your arteries and medical history for clues to correct the problem. They look at everything relating to the patient, including any medications they currently take and any other medical diagnoses.

Endovenous Ablation of the Saphenous Vein (EVLT) and VNUS Closure

What typically happens during the procedure?:

During a procedure like this, you will be under sedation or perhaps a local anesthetic. A laser device that uses radio frequencies – the VNUS Closure device – is inserted through a catheter and into the skin of the affected leg. Under the close observation of the surgeon, a pulse of energy is delivered through the device and into the vein causing it to collapse and close. This energy is in the form of heat. The bad vein is now permanently closed and the other healthy veins take over and direct the blood flow to another area. Any symptoms you experience will disappear over a few weeks.

Since the procedure is done in the office, it is completed quickly and the patient is free to resume their activities with the help of compression stockings. Walking is encouraged to help the body heal itself, but avoid any strenuous exercise for a while until you get the doctor’s approval.

The surgeon you choose to perform this procedure should be someone with the latest cutting edge equipment and years of experience to reduce the possibility of any problems during the procedure. Taking more precautions will ensure a quick procedure with the least amount of pain or discomfort.

Injection Sclerotherapy Using Ultrasound

Using ultrasound and the tiniest of needles, Sclerotherapy is extremely effective at treating large varicose veins that can lead to further problems. The vein is injected with a liquid solution that causes an irritation inside the vein wall causing it to collapse. The vein is now closed off without the need for surgery. Two solutions, Asclera and Sotradecol, are FDA-approved for this purpose. Saline solution is not used anymore because it can cause scarring and burning.

Ligation and Vein Stripping

This procedure is a surgical procedure that involves removing a portion of the damaged vein. The patient is given a local anesthetic and must wear compression stockings afterward. Walking is highly encouraged and recommended.

Now you know more about vascular surgeons and laser therapy to get rid of varicose veins.

FAQ’s About Dermal Fillers

FAQ’s About Dermal Fillers

Are you curious about Botox or other dermal fillers? If you have questions about dermal fillers and how they work, it may help you to understand the basics to determine if this type of treatment is right for you.

How Popular is Dermal Filler Therapy?

It is extremely popular in places like North America where it is more common than cosmetic dentistry It is not restricted to women only, more men are using this treatment now than in the past. Most people have heard of this treatment so it is well-known just about everywhere.

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

Dermal fillers are injected beneath the skin into areas like the folds of skin around the nose, tiny lines around the mouth, and other areas of the face to plump up and fill in those areas smoothing wrinkles away.

In past years, services like these could only be performed by plastic surgeons — or dermatologists. With new technology and training in these areas, these services are now performed by medical estheticians working in the doctor’s office.

Botox, on the other hand, is used to immobilize certain facial muscles to reduce the muscle movements that cause wrinkles. It is often used with dermal fillers as a complete treatment. The Botox restricts muscle movement and the fillers smooth and plump the skin making it appear younger and firmer.

How Long Do the Effects Last?

Typically, the results last around six months but may last a bit longer depending on the patient. They all work differently and some are designed to be temporary and others are more permanent. The risks with temporary fillers are limited because they seldom last longer than 18 months so if you don’t like the effects you just wait until it wears off.

Products like Juvederm and Restylane are at the top of the list for most popular fillers today since bovine collagen requires allergy testing in sensitive individuals. These products are comprised of Hyaluronic acid which is a naturally occurring substance that diminishes with age, and dermal fillers with it plump the skin giving it a natural appearance. Most often they last from 6 to 12 months and are used for a variety of facial lines and wrinkles.

Patient Concerns

Many patients are familiar with the names of these products and may already be using some of them. The concerns about side effects are minimal and have been very mild. There are few instances of problems since the effects wear off within 12 months with no permanent changes to the facial structure.

Doctors who offer dermal fillers like this can substantially increase their patient loads and their revenues by offering this service. They are required to go through an additional training course and be certified to administer it and the benefits are well worth it.

Aesthetic Procedures for Anti-aging – Microdermabrasion

Aesthetic Procedures for Anti-aging – Microdermabrasion

Technology makes it possible to turn back the hands of time and undo some of the damage from the sun and normal aging. A few years ago, these procedures were mostly booked by celebrities and rich people due to the limited availability of products and percieved costs.

Today, the technology is more readily available and increased supply has brought costs down to a more affordable level for most people. Treatments like microdermabrasion and Botox therapy can erase the signs of aging making those fine lines around the eyes disappear.

This treatment is technologically advanced but does not require surgery or the use of anesthetics. It is a non-invasive treatment that is safe and has virtually no side-effects.

What exactly is microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a technique that removes the top layer of skin cells by buffing them away. It is similar to a chemical peel but uses no chemicals. These treatments are becoming more popular among men and women due to the accessibility of such treatments and patients love that it takes very little time so they can book treatments during their lunch hour and resume their activities right after.

The top layer of your skin is affected by the sun’s UV rays, the wind, and all the chemical components that we come into contact with every day. This is how the pores get clogged with dirt and oil. What happens when that top layer of skin is lightly scraped is it takes off the dead skin cells and encourages new ones to grow. It also encourages collagen production for firming up sagging skin. The new skin underneath is fresh and soft and gives your skin a natural-looking glow that improves the appearance.

How does microdermabrasion work?

Your skin is made up of two different layers the dermis, and the epidermis. The epidermis is the outer layer that is subjected to the elements, while the dermis is the layer underneath, which is where the new skin cells are produced. You might be surprised to know that the epidermis is actually made up of dead skin cells. That outer layer is called the stratum corneum and it is the part of the skin we put face cream and makeup on.

During a microdermabrasion treatment, the stratum corneum is the skin cells that are removed. It only affects the top layer of skin and nothing underneath. There is no worry about bruising or scarring since it does not go under the skin.

What Microdermabrasion Does for the Skin

The actual mechanism that makes it work so well is the fact that anytime you have an abrasion to the skin such as a scraped knee or a cut, the body’s defense system sends antibodies to the surface of the skin to fight off germs and speed the healing by making new skin cells. Microdermabrasion is simulating this same type of effect, the body thinks it is being attacked and send those antibodies and nutrients to the skin to produce collagen and fresh, new skin cells.

Are there side effects to microdermabrasion?

There are minor side effects such as redness and soreness to the touch. These effects are temporary and don’t last long. ‘You might experience a little bit of swelling but not everyone does. The length of time it takes depends on your body, but most people see improvement of the symptoms within a few hours.

Microdermabrasion is a totally non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that changes the way you look and feel. Talk to your doctor to see if this procedure might be beneficial to you.

Training Courses for Botox January Recap

Training Courses for Botox January Recap

Increased interest in our training courses means that more students are getting certified for Botox than ever before. Our lead instructor and Botox expert Dr. Howard Katz is a world-renowned expert on the use of Botox for medical and cosmetic purposes. More students ensure that we stay on our toes to keep up with demand.

Dr. Katz literally wrote the book on Botox administration for aesthetic purposes. There is no one better qualified to teach this course than him. He has years of teaching experience and was a world traveler of the highest degree.

He taught students in Holland, Germany, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia. He has traveled the world and gained knowledge of aesthetic practices over the course of many years. He also holds the patents to and is named specifically on 5 injectible Botox applications. Besides being a world-renowned Botox expert, he is also president of the International Association of Dentofacial Esthetics and a member of the Facial Pain Association.

Excellence in Practice

We teach students the skills they will use in the real world with their own patients. Skills and certification in Botox are in-demand just about everywhere these days. The students learn the latest procedures and use real products for accuracy.

Botox® training from Dentox provides high-quality learning that they can’t learn anywhere else but here. The training is hands-on and incorporates test models and photos as proof of skill mastery. We verify that students know their stuff before graduating from this program.

Continued Learning and Education

Students remain a part of our family for years after their training has ended. They can continue learning and be a part of the next generation of medical professionals learning Boox skills.

Dr. Katz is available to students who have questions 24 hours a day. All they need to do is email him with their question and he will respond back within 24 hours. Students who have graduated can still email Dr. Katz for answers to questions or advice on a particular condition.

Students living near San Diego, California are invited to attend a semi-private session to brush up their skills whenever needed.

Another benefit of this program is that students can review recorded sessions to review classes and methods taught anytime. The videos are available 24/7 at the student’s convenience.

It is our opinion that the increased interest in Botox training is due to our reputation for high-quality and excellence in learning. Students are excited to train with Dr. Katz and classes are fuller than they have ever been.

Botox Medical Esthetics Training Online Makes Good Business Sense

Botox Medical Esthetics Training Online Makes Good Business Sense

Dentox is offering more medical professionals the opportunity to take the Botox Medical Esthetics Training by making classes available online. More medical practitioners are coming to realize the importance of using Botox in their practice. The training programs have had a greater attendance record this year than ever. With classes being offered throughout the year, there is no better training available than getting instruction straight from a recognized leader in the industry, Dr. Howard Katz, who is the chief trainer at Dentox.

The Ultimate Botox Training Course

Many of our students choose us because there is no one better than Dr. Katz and no other opportunity for hands-on Botox training taught completely online. After researching other opportunities, they chose to train with us because they can get the ultimate in Botox education and bring those skills in their practice to increase their patient leads and increase their revenues.

A few things about us:

We help professionals learn the skills to be in-demand. Medical professionals with Botox training and skills have an opportunity to build a great reputation and a thriving practice. Medical esthetic procedures are great for bringing in new clients to boost the bottom line and increase the likelihood that a new practice will flourish in the first few years. Botox procedures have a lot of potential for serious profit as more people have come to realize what it can do.

We have the leading authority on Botox as our chief instructor. Dr. Katz is the most qualified person to be teaching this course. There is no one more knowledgeable or more caring toward patients’ needs than Dr. Katz.

We teach the latest techniques so you are always up-to-date. Our medical esthetic Botox training course teaches the latest techniques proven to provide the best results for you and your patients. We ensure that the skills you learn are the best of the best for the lowest chance of complications and anything that could negatively impact your business.

Once a Student, You Are Part Of Our System For Life

A little added bonus, any students who join our online Botox training program are supported by Dentox and remain in our system forever. We’re here for you long after your training ends.

As a student in one of our medical esthetics classes, you have access to Dr. Katz for questions anytime. All you have to do is email him with a specific question and you will get a response back within 24 hours. This also means that after the training program is over and the student returns to their practice, if they have questions later they can still message the doctor and receive an answer.

One of the best benefits offered by this program is that former students who took the training can go online and watch a streaming copy of their class as a refresher course anytime they like. If they have some questions or are a little fuzzy on something, just go back and review it again.

When you think about it, it is really no surprise that so many medical professionals are seeking medical esthetics training classes to boost their skills and revenues. The Botox training they get from Dentox is invaluable and the best of any instruction available to date.

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