Urinary incontinence is the most common bladder control problem, according to the U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. This lack of bladder control can seriously impact life by causing disruptions to the normal course of activities, embarrassment, impact to social relationships and decreased ability to work for a living. But Botox and other solutions can help.
Incontinence should not be considered a disease, however, and instead be looked at as a symptom of a larger issue, according to experts. Underlying causes can include aging, general poor health, being overweight, smoking and diseases including MS. Prostate problems can cause incontinence in men. Women can experience incontinence because of pregnancy, childbirth and menopause, all things that weaken the muscles of the pelvic floor. It can also be a side effect of radiation treatments.
The precise number of people who experience urinary incontinence isn’t known since many cases are not reported, but some organizations believe at least 10 percent of the population has the problem. Others believe the number is much higher.
Understanding Incontinence Better
There are several types of incontinence, and the treatments vary depending on the cause and symptoms. Among the types are:
- Urge incontinence, the intense need to go to the bathroom immediately. This can be caused by an infection, diabetes or a neurological disorder. This type responds well to Botox treatment because it involves sudden tensing of bladder muscles in many cases, which Botox injections can lessen or eliminate.
- Stress incontinence, caused by weak pelvic floor muscles and occurring when laughing, sneezing, exercising, lifting or having sex.
- Overflow incontinence, the failing of the bladder to empty fully so that small amounts drip over time.
- Mixed incontinence, a combination of two or more types.
- Total incontinence, when the sphincter muscle no longer works and urine flow cannot be controlled at all.
- Functional incontinence, a rare condition that happens when arthritis, cognitive decline or other conditions cause someone with normal bladder control to be unable to get to a bathroom when needed.
While the primary symptom of incontinence of any kind is leakage of urine, the condition can also be caused by a urinary tract infection, which may have the following systems:
- Pain during urination
- Pink, red or dark urine
- Urine odor
- Back or abdominal pain
- Frequent urination
- And more.
Treating Incontinence
A doctor can determine the cause of a patient’s incontinence and create a treatment plan based on a physical exam and review of history and symptoms. Tests may be conducted as well. Some cases clear up on their own over time.
Experts point to a wider range of treatment choices than ever before. In many cases, a doctor will suggest lifestyle changes, bladder control training and pelvic floor exercises. If these things don’t work, medication might do the trick. There are also medical devices, biofeedback treatments and surgical procedures that may help.
Many patients are surprised when their physician recommends Botox for incontinence or overactive bladder. When Botox is used for bladder control, the treatment is injected at a clinic or medical office, and most patients have few or no side effects.
The injections don’t cause any pain, but there can be some brief discomfort similar to cramping. Most patients get improvement in their symptoms in only a few days, and the results can last up to 6 months. Urine retention can happen, so the procedure is not recommended for men with enlarged prostates.
If you’re a medical professional interested in exploring this use for Botox and many others, consider attending a Botox and dermal filler training seminar from Dentox, the leader in single day, in-person injectables training. Online and on demand training is also available. Register for a seminar near you or reach out for more information.