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What License Is Needed To Be A Botox Injector? Do I Need Certification?

Botox injections are a lucrative addition to any medical or dental practice or medical spa facility. But you must have someone to administer injectables who is qualified, legally allowed in your state, and has the necessary credentials. So what education is needed to use Botox on patients? What degree or license is required if you want to be a Botox injector? Keep reading for some useful information.

What License Is Needed To Be A Botox Injector

Can I Use Botox On Patients If I’m A Doctor?

Millions of people are now getting Botox injections for wrinkles and other purposes, both cosmetic and medical. But who is allowed to provide the injections? If you’re a medical doctor with MD or DO after your name, you’re allowed and can add these procedures to your practice and order Botox from your pharmaceutical supplier. You may need certification or other additional qualifications, however, and you can contact your state’s medical, dental or nursing board as appropriate to find out more details.

As a doctor, you will also want to check with your malpractice insurance provider to make sure your coverage is good for aesthetic procedures.

If you’re a medical professional but aren’t a doctor, the rules are a bit more complex and varied. Let’s delve a little deeper.

Who Else Can Be A Botox Injector?

What other education, degree, license, or certification will allow you to be a Botox injector? That varies quite dramatically from one state to the next, and your state board is the final source of information. Keep in mind that rules can change, so always check with the state board for the latest information – and stay up to date if you want to administer Botox and are not a doctor.

Here are some of the medical professionals who may be allowed to use Botox on patients in your area:


Whether dentists have the right education and degree for using Botox is a matter that states don’t agree on. Some varying state practices imposed on dentists who want to use injectables in their practices include:

  • Allowing Botox injections but not dermal fillers
  • Allowing Botox for TMD but not for cosmetic purposes
  • Allowing injectables only as part of a dental treatment program (like for a gummy smile), or
  • Allowing all dentists to perform injectables without restrictions.

For dentists, we recommend working with your state board to make sure you’re in compliance and working with product makers to ensure you will be allowed to order products.

Nurse Practitioner

Nurse practitioners are usually considered to have the degree needed to use Botox and be a Botox injector. But whether a nurse practitioner needs a collaborating physician to order the product is another matter. When we last checked, Allergan – the maker of Botox and many dermal fillers – will allow nurse practitioners to set up a purchase account and make purchases if they have a collaborating physician listed in states that include California, Florida, Texas, Illinois, and about two dozen others. In some states, NPs can have an Allergan account and order without a collaborating physician. These include Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, New York, and more.

Physician Assistant

Physician assistants who usually work under the supervision of a doctor may be allowed to perform Botox and dermal fillers injections on their own without the doctor being on-site during the procedures. This may be prohibited in your area by law or the supervising physician may not allow you to perform these services on your own, in which cases it doesn’t really matter what education, license or certification you have in Botox. For physician assistants, the ability to offer Botox injections independently is on a case-by-case basis depending on the state and the doctor in charge.

Registered Nurse

Registered nurses are sometimes allowed to provide injectables under the supervision of a doctor, who is responsible for seeing that all regulations are followed. Sometimes a physician must be on-site when all procedures are performed while other states only require that the physician be located nearby or in the general area. For ordering products, nurses will need to go through a doctor. Companies do not allow nurses to order prescription products without a doctor named on the account.

Every Injector Needs Training And Certification

Are you getting a clearer picture about what kind of license or degree is needed to use Botox on patients? If you want to become a Botox injector, you can see that requirements vary according to state and your job in the medical profession. In any case, every medical professional who wants to provide injectables needs training and certification. It may be required, or it may simply be necessary to perform the injections properly. Excellent skills prevent mistakes, help you gain clients, and make it possible for you to nurture long-term client relationships.

Botox training and certification teaches you the right injection depths and techniques, explains adverse reactions and how to deal with them, and offers marketing advice and paperwork guidance. The training provided goes into specifics that most medical professionals don’t learn in medical, dental, or nursing school, including how to fix your mistakes and bad work done by others.

Dentox provides on-demand, in-person and online Botox and dermal filler training from the nation’s most acclaimed instructor, Dr. Howard Katz. To learn more or discuss your eligibility for training and certification, contact Dentox now. A program to fit your schedule and learning style is available now.

2 Responses to “What License Is Needed To Be A Botox Injector? Do I Need Certification?”


    i want to learn and study just for mt own personal use would be posible ? no business service only for personal use?

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