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What You Should Know About Botox – Simple Jaw Reduction Procedures

If you look closely at the mirror, you will notice that the shape of your face has changed. Due to the frequent use of the jaw for eating and chewing, the muscles become enlarged over time. And gradually, your face will take another shape. And this is how Botox works, by paralyzing the movement of the muscles of the jaw. Botox is used as a jaw reduction technique that is inserted into the masseter muscles around the jaw to hinder its progress.

Botox is produced by a neurotoxin called Onabotulinumtoxin A. This neurotoxin is produced by Bacterium Clostridium botulinum, and it only needs to be administered in small portions to release its therapeutic effect. Aside from these, Botox is also used to treat weak muscles and remove wrinkles from the face too.

Its jaw reduction techniques work by stopping excessive perspiration and stiff muscles. It can be used to treat hyperactive bladder and a gummy smile. Celebrities make use of this jaw reduction medication mostly, to help them to enhance and maintain their facial aesthetics.

How Botox Works In Jaw Reduction

Botox works by blocking the nerve signals to the masseter muscles. When neurotransmitter and acetylchlorine are released, the masseter muscles became relaxed and contracted at the point where the end of the nerves meet the cells of the tissues. The muscle gets contracted when acetylchlorine sticks to the cells of the muscles.

Botulinum toxin is injected to prevent the excessive contraction of the muscles of the jaw by acetylchlorine. It works by controlling the release of acetylchlorine. Botox also enhances jaw reduction by making the muscles of the h=jaw to become firm.

Onset And Duration Of Therapeutic Effect In Jaw Reduction

As soon as Botox is administered to the body, it swings into action by working on the jaw to reduce its size. After a week of treatment, the effects will become noticeable. The result tends to last for a long time after treatment with Botox. It can paralyze the jaw muscles for up to 4-6months, by blocking the nerves signals. After that, you can look your best and with a V-shaped face as well.

How To Use Botox In Jaw Reduction

A well-trained healthcare provider administers Botox. Ensure you visit a certified professional to conduct Botox treatment on you. It can be applied to several body parts, and this depends on the reason for the administration. Botox is used for the relief of a migraine when it is administered on the neck or head.

To treat excess perspiration, inject Botox treatment into the affected area. The dose of this treatment depends on how sensitive your body responds to its treatment and the severity of the condition too.

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