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Who Can Administer Botox? Do You Have To Be A Nurse To Do Botox? A Doctor?

group of doctors and nurses and dentists

In the United States, governmental authority usually rests at the lowest level of government unless specifically taken up by the state or federal government. In the case of deciding what qualifications are necessary for medical personnel and what restrictions are placed upon them, state medical boards have the authority. So who can administer Botox? It’s a question best asked of your state’s medical board.

The federal government doesn’t choose to hold the power to make a determination, so requirements vary from state to state. In the same way, local governments usually do not make restrictions that are out of line with the decisions of the state medical board.

Confused yet? Here’s a short answer once again so you can be on your way, if you like: Ask your state medical board who can administer Botox where you are.

Getting Into The Details

So do you have to be a nurse to do Botox? What about a doctor? In every state, doctors are legally allowed to administer Botox. In many states, nurses are also allowed to perform injectable treatments – but there’s more than one kind of nurse. The types allowed to deal with Botox and dermal fillers vary by state just as the education of different kinds of nurses varies significantly.

Physician’s assistants and other related medical personnel are sometimes allowed to do Botox and dermal fillers – often only under supervision of a doctor. In some states, estheticians or other spa personnel are allowed to do injectables. Since these types of professionals have little medical training, reliable Botox training is essential to safe procedures and satisfied clients.

In most states, dentists are allowed to administer Botox, but this is not universal across all states. Perhaps no medical professional is more likely to be good at injectables than a dentist – since a strong knowledge of facial anatomy is required to do their primary job.

You must contact your state’s medical board for up-to-date information. Your best bet is to call during business hours and speak with someone rather than depending on information on their website. A complete list of U.S. state medical boards (LINK) is available on the Dentox website.

Solid Training For Smart Healthcare Pros

Dentox is proud to offer training that’s appropriate for all legally allowed injectors. We teach in-person seminars around the country and feature online training programs that allow you to learn new skills from your home or office – without the hassles, risks and costs of travel. We have successfully trained doctors, dentists and many others.

In fact, our founder and lead instructor, Dr. Howard Katz, is a practicing dentist with more than 3 decades experience in dentistry. And he also has medical training from South Africa as well as deep and wide experience with injectables since the industry began. He is the originator of Botox and dermal filler training, mentioned on the patent for Botox and other injectables and a longtime, constant force for innovation in this field.

So do you have to be a nurse to do Botox? Perhaps, depending on your state. Can only doctors handle injectables? That’s true in some states. What about estheticians, nurse practitioners, physicians assistants and other medial professionals? Are there others who can administer Botox? In many cases there are.

Whoever you are and as long as your state allows you to work with injectables, Dentox would like the opportunity to train you. With a range of classes to fit every need and seminars offered online and around the nation, we make ourselves available to you without hassles or high prices so you can get the training you need and get on with making money from injectables.

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