Some people still consider in-person education the gold standard, but that mindset is outdated and, frankly, wrong. In-person training can be expensive, inconvenient and may be derailed by facility problems, illness, a bad night before and so many other things. On-demand training is a safe, simple and smart way to learn something. That’s why Dentox is focused on its on-demand dermal filler training, our new gold standard in training for medical and dental professionals.
In-person training has its place, and we proudly offer in-person injectables training too. Getting together with colleagues and seeing your instructor just a few feet from you can be nice, but it isn’t always safe, practical or possible. That’s why we don’t ignore the benefits of watch-anytime training.
Enjoy the efficiency of on-demand dermal filler training and benefit from these six ways that it’s better for many people than training in person:
- So convenient. It can’t be more convenient than whenever and wherever you want it. There’s no need to rearrange your schedule since you can watch our on-demand dermal filler program at any hour as many times as you like for up to 60 days. That means you can do the course in big chunks or small ones. You can even show it to colleagues, friends or family who can help you understand the material.
- So consistent. When you train with our watch-anytime videos and exclusive training kit, you get the same quality of training as others who have taken the course because it’s recorded in advance. You don’t have to worry that you couldn’t see or hear well or were distracted by too much air conditioning in the conference center or loud noises from the group next door. We control the quality of the instruction, and you control your surroundings.
- So up-to-date. If you try to pick of dermal filler skills from YouTube videos or DVDs, you can’t be sure how old the techniques are. Our instructor and Dentox founder Dr. Howard Katz has included the latest techniques in this on-demand dermal filler training course, and he updates the videos when necessary. It’s part of the Dentox commitment to excellence in instruction.
- So inexpensive. Since we don’t have to travel or book a conference center, this watch-anytime filler course is very affordable. You don’t have to worry about paying for a hotel room either. But the training is still the same high-quality instruction you would get in person – and it’s hands-on because of our exclusive manikin and labeling system included in your training kit.
- So independent. Maybe you didn’t become a doctor or dentist to sit in a room with other students and have people lecture to you – on their schedule. If you like your independence, you’ll love training on demand from Dentox. It’s perfect for people with an independent mindset – perhaps like you.
- So well done. Because of Dr. Katz, this course is thorough, efficient, a little humorous and a lot compelling. He’s an internationally acclaimed lecturer, a nationally recognized leader in injectables instruction and so much more. You’ll see that he’s a great guy too – and he’s what makes our on-demand dermal filler class so great.
If you like to do things your way, this training program is for you. If you like to associate yourself with the best, this training is for you too. When you can access the best and do it your way, you’re getting the highest quality training available from the best source in a way that makes sense for today’s world – and for you. Register now for on-demand dermal filler training from Dentox. It’s a good idea.