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Botox For Camptocormia: A Worthwhile Option For A Difficult To Treat Condition

Botox For Camptocormia A Worthwhile Option For A Difficult To Treat Condition

Camptocormia is a Parkinson’s disease (PD) symptom that impacts the back muscles and is a type of axial dystonia. It is characterized by a 45-degree forward flexion or bend in the patient when standing. When the patient sits, reclines, walks with a walker or stands against a wall, the symptom go away in most cases.

Tightening of the paraspinal muscles is the reason, and dopaminergic drugs used for PD treatment can cause it or make it worse. Botox for camptocormia isn’t always effective, but this is a stubborn condition with few viable treatment choices, so it should be considered.

More About Botox For Camptocormia With PD

Experts say that Botox injections into the paraspinal muscles can probably reduce or alleviate the forward bend or stoop associated with camptocormia. Research on this topic isn’t very thorough, however. There are very few studies on Botox for this condition, and relatively few patients were involved in that research.

Injections are usually placed into the rectus abdominis, iliopsoas and other muscles and must be done with precision. Some experts suggest ultrasound-guided injections into the iliopsoas muscle, but placing the shots into the rectus abdominis and the external abdominal oblique are most likely to provide desirable results. The treatments sometimes fail not because the wrong muscles are selected but because the injections are placed incorrectly and don’t go into the right muscles.

Provide Another Option

Camptocormia is difficult to treat and often doesn’t respond to any treatment path. When you’re well-trained in Botox for medical purposes, however, you can give patients who have exhausted other options an additional chance at improved posture. Get your training from Dentox and Dr. Howard Katz, the first Botox trainers. Classes are available in person, on demand and online. Reach out or sign up to learn skills that can improve patient lives and help your practice soar above the competition.

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