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Dental Botox Regulations

State laws vary so dramatically regarding Botox and dermal fillers that it is hard to know whether you are allowed to perform these procedures as a dentist, and if you are, under what circumstances.  Here is a partial summary of what the law is regarding the use of Botox by dentists in 27 states.

In the states of Mississippi and Virginia, the use of Botox in dentistry is restricted to oral and maxillofacial surgeons who have completed a specific residency.

In many states, use of Botox by dentists is permitted, but restricts its use to dental treatments only and only by dentists who have completed a course of study by a program that is accredited by the American Dental Association and/or the dental board of that state.  These states include: Alaska, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York (see our New York Botox training program), North Carolina, Texas, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.  The wording of these laws varies by state and a few of them do not address Botox specifically, but do contain verbiage that restricts dental practice to procedures involving the mouth, its contents and associates structures and tissues.

In other states, use of Botox by dentists is not restricted beyond a requirement that the dentist completes a course of study by a program that is accredited by the American Dental Association and/or the dental board of that state.  These states include Arkansas and Louisiana.  These two states in particular further set forth that the training course must cover certain topics to include consulting with and assessing patients, uses and contraindications of Botox, potential risks and side effects associated with Botox and related treatments and how to manage them, preparation and administration of the injections, therapeutic uses of the drugs, hands on training with actual patients.  These states further restrict use of Botox by dentists to their dental office and forbid administration from support staff, such as dental nurses and hygienists.

Some states currently have no regulations regarding use of Botox by dentists.  These states include: Massachusetts, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Wyoming.  It should be noted that many malpractice insurance carriers still require that anyone administering Botox or dermal fillers complete an appropriate course of training (see our Online Botox Training Program).  A few of these states, while they do not currently have any restrictions, are considering or may soon consider regulations in this area.

Finally, Delaware has taken rather a unique stance on use of Botox by dentists.  The Board of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene in Delaware has responded to inquiries regarding Botox by refusing to take a position.  At the current time, Delaware treats possible violations regarding dentists administering Botox on a case by case basis.

It is important to note that these regulations are politically motivated, not a reflection of the ability of Dentists to perform Botox – in fact, Dr. Katz is a dentist, and pioneered the use of Botox for the face.

For a full list of state regulations, visit:

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