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With this new BABTAC initiative, cosmetic treatment in the UK will be subject to some regulation

Did you know that there are no laws governing the aesthetics industry? As a result, your therapist is not legally required to be licensed or to show proof of insurance. Sobering, isn’t it? especially considering the growth in the popularity of risky treatments. And just because a salon has a bunch of certificates framed on […]

From Botox to Headaches: A Look into the Past and Future of Migraine Surgery

Migraines, which can cause excruciating pain and dizziness, affect 40 million Americans, or 13% of the population. That includes the author. It all began around three and a half years ago. It wasn’t until she started having headaches that she noticed a gentle throbbing sensation in the back of her skull, which most people equate […]

Why you should be Concerned about Your Migraines

Brian Wangila began experiencing headaches in 2008, which gradually progressed into migraines. Despite his best efforts, the tremendous agony and suffering he experiences due to his neurological disease persists. In migraine, a devastating headache occurs on one side of the head and can last anywhere from a few minutes to several days or weeks, depending […]

Botox For Migraine Offers Lower Cost And Higher Persistence Than Newer CGRP mAbs

A study presented at this year’s American Academy of Neurology Virtual Annual Meeting offered important new data about how much it costs to be treated for migraines with onabotulinumtoxinA – usually called by its widely recognized brand name, Botox – and how likely patients are to return for future treatments. While it has long been […]

What License Is Needed To Be A Botox Injector? Do I Need Certification?

Botox injections are a lucrative addition to any medical or dental practice or medical spa facility. But you must have someone to administer injectables who is qualified, legally allowed in your state, and has the necessary credentials. So what education is needed to use Botox on patients? What degree or license is required if you […]

Men are Often the Best Botox Customers (Secretly)

You might think that the ones who go in for botox treatments are all women, but you would be mistaken. Men are conscientious about their appearance and the fact that they are getting older just as much as their wives. A man might accompany his wife to her appointment for moral support, while in fact, […]

An Online Botox Training Course to Offer Your Nurses Associations

It’s great to be a part of something revolutionary. There is not a better way to learn a new subject than to study it online from the comfort of your own home or office. Membership has its benefits and that has never been more true than it is right now. Offering your Nurses Associations the […]

Thinking of Offering Botox Training in Your Medical Study Group?

Do you have a medical study group and are considering including Botox training? This is a great addition to any type of extended training classes. If you want the best training possible for dermal fillers, then Dr. Katz Botox training is a must-have. Dr. Katz is an innovator and the leading expert on Botox for […]

Train To Do Lip Fillers And Other Dermal Fillers With Dentox

Wondering where you can get Botox and dermal filler training to deepen your skills, expand your practice and boost your income? When you turn to Dentox, you’ll find upcoming training classes in many locations across the United States – and a range of online classes too. Why not train to do lip fillers and other […]

Skin Resurfacing Can Get Rid of Acne Scars

There are many things that can age your skin. Poor diet, smoking, drinking, exposure to the sun, and genetics can make you look older. Brown patches called “age spots” also appear as you age. Skin resurfacing is a way to reduce the appearance of acne scars, blotches, and age spots. No matter what type of […]

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