El Cajon Botox And Dermal Filler Training Is Happening Soon!
Never settle when it comes to Botox and dermal filler training in the El Cajon area. Get training from the recognized world leader here in Southern California. Why would you choose any other program?
For hands-on, 1-day injectables training that will enhance your abilities and help you increase your income, there’s no better choice. Forget about other Continuing Ed classes and get 18 crucial CE credits – plus skills you can really use. You will get these benefits:
- More revenue from your current clients
- New clients who want your new skills
- The ability to quickly and easily satisfy these patients
- The opportunity to offer something many already want, and
- Quick training in a 1-day class near you
- PLUS… You can catch up with the competition – the doctor’s offices and dental practices already offering Botox and dermal fillers.
Get 4 Skills In 1 Day… From The Best El Cajon Botox Instructor
When you select this Botox and dermal fillers training program, you’re actually learning 4 vital new skills you can put to work immediately: Botox for both therapeutic and cosmetic purposes, dermal fillers to use alone or in combination with Botox, Nerve Blocking Treatment and the exclusive DentoX LIFT nonsurgical facelift.
Every class is taught by the creator of Botox training, Dr. Howard Katz, and is stripped down to essentials – with no fluff or time-wasting. Dr. Katz is our founder and is a respected dentist with 30+years experience and has medical training in South Africa. He has spoken and taught around the world and is based here in Southern California. There is no better El Cajon Botox training instructor.
It all starts with…
El Cajon Botox Training For Therapeutic And Cosmetic Uses
After all this time, you will finally be able to say an emphatic “YES” when one of your clients asks you whether you offer Botox. So many doctors and dentists do, and you can too. You’ll also be able to entice new clients to your practice who want their wrinkles and lines corrected and other facial issues improved. After our 1-day program, you’ll be able to satisfy many patient demands in just 2 minutes.
Some specifics you’ll learn during your packed day include:
- Assessing a patient accurately and completely
- Deciding on the right injection depths and locations
- Using Botox alongside dermal fillers
- Managing TMD, migraines and other conditions with Botox
- Improving toothy smiles, smoker’s lines and facial creases
- Catching and correcting bad reactions
- Avoiding expensive and unnecessary product waste
- PLUS… Forms, documentation, marketing, malpractice insurance and more.
A complementary skill…
El Cajon Dermal Filler Training For Total Satisfaction
Because Botox can’t resolve every facial aging issue, your El Cajon Botox training also includes a comprehensive module on the use of dermal fillers, often used along with Botox. Products like Restylane, Juvederm and Voluma can provide amazing results, but you must know proper injection techniques – many of which are similar to Botox – and know which product to use in which cases.
Your hands-on El Cajon dermal filler training includes:
- Proper anesthesia choice and administering for minimal inflammation
- Visualizing accurately the patient’s final look for the best treatment
- Selecting the best product to use for maximum results
- Handling correctly any mistakes you make and mistakes made by others
- Making completely sure that your dermal filler work looks natural and artful
- PLUS… Documenting, patient forms, marketing and more.
An exclusive opportunity…
El Cajon DentoX LIFT Training For Facelift Results Without Cutting
EXCLUSIVE! Quick for your practice and certain to pique the curiosity and open the wallets of your patients, the DentoX LIFT offers remarkable facelift-like results – and you can perform this procedure in about 15 minutes. Your El Cajon DentoX LIFT training allows you to offer extraordinary facial enhancement with:
- Absolutely NO cutting
- Absolutely NO visible punctures
- NO or very minimal bruising
- NO need for general anesthesia, and
- Only 15 minutes of your time invested per patient.
The DentoX Lift involves using dermal fillers injected through the mouth to improve the jawline, cheeks, chin and lips so that your patient looks better and younger – with no surgery or downtown. And only Dr. Katz can train you in exactly how to provide excellent results to every candidate. As soon as the procedure is done, your patient can go back to work – and you can get on with helping others.

Something new for better satisfaction and speed…
El Cajon Nerve Blocking Training For Quick Results Without Side Effects
Learn our distinctive nerve blocking technique for remarkable benefits to your practice and your patient over anesthesia ointments and dermal filler with built-in anesthetics, including:
- Savings of up to 10 minutes on each office visit over waiting for other anesthetic types to take effect, allowing you to treat more patients in a day while better satisfying each of them
- Cost reduction of about $30 per syringe when you purchase fillers that don’t contain built-in anesthesia and use quick, effective nerve blocking instead
- Numbing results that take effect in seconds without site distortion and wear off in minutes so your patients can return to life immediately
- Less chance of side effects because our ultra-short, ultra-fine needles are less likely to miss the injection site and cause injury to nearby tissue
Nerve blocking with our exclusive technique can speed and improve your ability to treat the lower eyelid, side of nose, upper cheek, upper lip, lower lip, chin and more. This promotable skill allows you to compete with other injectors based on the quality and speed of your results rather than on price.
Bring A Colleague At No Cost!
When you do, you practice injecting on your friend – saline or actual product (if licensed in California). Otherwise, you can assess a real patient and practice on simulated skin.
It’s time to catch up with the competition.
Your small investment will bring you a lucrative new skill set.
So what are you waiting for?
Reach out to us now at 858-550-9533